The tournament headquarters is Edmond Center Court, 601 W. 15th St., Edmond, OK. 73025. The pro shop phone number is 405-348-3120. If you need to contact the tournament director, you can email Lisa at lisa@edmondcentercourt.com. If there is a need for additional courts, we will use Oak Tree Country Club, 700 Country Club Dr., Edmond, OK. 73025.
Singles – Ad scoring. Best of 3 sets with a match tiebreak in lieu of 3rd set for the main draw. Best of 3 SHORT sets with a 7-point tiebreaker in lieu of the 3rd set for the consolation draw (3-all, competitors play two more games. If 4-all, a 7-point tiebreak is played.) Doubles – 8-game pro set.
We have three host hotels, Fairfield 405-341-4818, LaQuinta 405-513-5353 and Hampton Inn 405-844-3037 (dial 0). Call the hotel of your choice and ask to book the "Edmond Tennis" rate of $89/night +tax. All 3 hotels are located off of I-35 & 2nd street (exit 141)
more info
Players may NOT register for both L6 and L7 tournaments that are taking place during the same sanction period. This is a violation of the Friend of Court Rules and will result in 5 suspension points. If you are not selected into the L6 (Monday at NOON), you may then register for the concurrent L7 (Deadline Tuesday at NOON).
Edmond Center Court COVID Policies1. Individuals including players, coaches, and family members should not come to the facility if they have tested positive for Covid-19 in the past 14 days, or are showing Covid-19 symptoms.2. Individuals including players, coaches, and family members who have recently come in close contact with someone with Covid-19 should not come to the tournament site.3. Edmond Center Court does a temperature check of all its employees every day prior to the start of their shift. 4. The facility will not have a community water/ice distribution center due to COVID, nor will the facility have a player party or give away any fruit/food as a tournament amenity. Individually packaged snacks and bottled waters may be bought from the pro shop. Otherwise, please make sure you pack enough ice/water/snacks for the duration of all your matches. 5. The facility has touchless/no gate entry points to the outdoor courts. Please use the gateless entry points to the courts and not the entrances with gate handles.6. The facility does have score tender devices on the courts. The decision to use the score tender devices is up to the player and their family. If you choose not to use the score tender device, please make sure the score is called loudly and clearly before each point. Chalk is not allowed to be used on the court surface.7. The player benches are 8’ feet wide. Due to this, players will be allowed to sit on the court benches. However, players must sit on the far end and maintain a good distance between each other. Player’s items and belongings should be placed at the end of their bench.8. Players should switch sides on opposite ends of the court and maintain a 6’ distance at all times. Players are asked o shake hands at the end of a match. A racquet tap across the net will suffice.9. The facility will wipe down the tournaments desk and common areas every hour to help keep the tournament facility clean. There will be some hand sanitizer on the premise the front desk and tournament desk, but tournament participants and spectators are asked to bring their own hand sanitizer as well. Players should use before and after every match. 10. Masks are required inside the pro shop at all times, in accordance with City of Edmond rules.11. There will be a tournament GROUPME group created specifically for this tournament. You should use the GroupMe to check in for your match to limit the amount of players at the tournament desk at one time. You should not check in on the Group Me unless you are ready to go on the court immediately – water jug filled, shoes tied, and bathroom trip already taken. Once you are checked in, you must be outside close to the tournament desk area ready to grab your tennis balls and go on the court. There is currently no PA system. A small sound system will be outside, but the distance is only to the first bank of courts. Please stay near the building until your match is called. 12. The tournament desk area should be clear of loitering at all times. Once you have completed the necessary task with the tournament director, please exit the tournament desk area. Please show up 15 minutes before your scheduled match at the facility and exit immediately after. No loitering is permitted.13. Everyone at the tournament is expected to observe social distancing at a 6’ minimum, except those in the same family/household.
Players are selected manually by the tournament director after the close of registration.
Entry to this tournament is open to specified residents only. Entries must be submitted by Monday, October 12, 2020 11:59:00 AM Central Time. Only USTA members can register online if available.
In the future, you can jump straight to this tournament by entering the tournament identification number: 400021520 from the searchable schedule homepage.
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