Outdoor Consolation Update - 1215 pm, Sunday 29th
Rain has stopped and sun is out at most venues. Courts still need some roll-dri TLC. We encourage you to come assist if you wish to play your first match. SMU - Not before 2 pm LCC - Not before 2 pm LFP - Starting at 1 pm, check draws BH - Not before 130 (check new times after 1235 pm on draw)
Update - 10 am Sunday the 29th, Consolation Singles Outdoor
At 10 am, all sites outdoor courts continue to be very wet. Rain delay is extended to 1 pm, so no play before 1 pm. Sorry.
UPDATE SUNDAY 12/29: Rain Delay for ALL CONSOLATION playing Outdoor (msg 8:30a.m.)
All CONSOLATION draws are in a Rain Delay; Brookhaven, Las Colinas and SMU not before 10:30. Lifetime Plano Delayed until 11:00 a.m. Any changes will be updated at 10:00 a.m. Please continue to check your draws. ALL MAIN DRAW will play a regular schedule indoor courts are secured.
Monday Times Are Tentative (12/28/19, 1025 pm)
Please check back at approximately 8pm Sunday for final Monday times. We will re-post here when the new/final schedule is posted.
Consolation Singles Update, 9 pm Saturday
The draws for Sunday are updated as of 9 pm Saturday night. See you tomorrow outside!
Consolation Cancelled Saturday (230 update)
Outdoor consolation for Saturday is cancelled for all divisions. Thank you for your patience today. We will re-post times and draws tonight by 9 pm, possibly sooner. Any players who cannot play tomorrow should advise by 7 pm tonight via email to tournaments@dta.org. Main draw indoor matches will have priority scheduling so advise via email if you are LIVE in one of those divisions.
Rain Delay Update (1215 pm) - Consolation
Play for today still in a delay for consolation at all four sites. No matches before 3 pm. We will cancel the entire consolation for the day by 3 pm. Please notify us if your plans change by emailing the TD. Enjoy the sites and food/beverage of Dallas.
Consolation Update for Brookhaven, SMU, and Lifetime Plano - 955 am
Just re-rained at Brookhaven. Rain at LFP. Soaked at SMU. No play before noon for the first scheduled matches, IF it dries. Will be difficult with no sun, no wind. Keep checking website for updates. If you need to drop from consolation, it's ok - email TD at tournaments@dta.org.
Weather Update for Consolation at Brookhaven & Lifetime, updated 810 am
No play this AM before 11am. ...WIll update website again later. Do not report to site. Do not call site.If question, email the TD.
Weather Update - 12/27/19 - 11 pm
We will update tomorrow (SAT) for outdoor consolation at these approximate times: SAT at 715 am for SMU at 8 am outside SAT at 800 am for BH at 9 am outside SAT at 800 am for LFP at 9 am outside SAT at 1130 am for LCC at 1230 pm outside Check the website or your Inbox
SMU update 705 am SAT (updated 820 am)
It is currently raining at venue for 8 am OUTDOOR matches. Will post update again later. ... Do not come to site or call site for info. Check web page or email for update. No play before 11 am.
Sites w/ Draw Abbreviations & Addresses (Updated 12-27, 11 pm)
BH-Cov or IN - Brookhaven Covered - Brookhaven Country Club, 3333 Golfing Green Dr., Farmer's Branch TX 75234 (It is possible your match could be covered or IN and may change on site. Be prepared) LCC - Las Colinas, 4400 N O'Connor Rd., Irving TX, 75062 LFP- Lifetime Plano, 7090 Preston Rd., Plano TX 75024 SMU - 5669 N Central Expressway, Dallas TX 75205
Late Entries Will Not Be Accepted
We will accept requests (in email only) for a wait list which we MAY consider at a future point. E mail should include name,USTA #, phone # and division.
National Public Parks Tennis Association
For 95 years, the NPPTA has held a National Championship or designated a tournament as the muncipal or community championships. This year, the NPPTA has selected the DTA's Cotton Bowl for this honor. The NPPTA was co-founded in 1923 by Dwight Davis of St. Louis and the US Lawn Tennis Association. Davis wanted to encourage more athletics and exercise, and use tennis as the vehicle to reach the public.
Your NTRP Rating for This Tournament
If your rating bumped up for year-end for the next 2020 League season, you may still enter the Cotton Bowl with your 2019 rating. If the system will not allow you to enter your old rating division, enter the next division up, and email the TD with your USTA # and confirmation # and ask in writing to be moved BEFORE the entry deadline.
2019 Sites To Be Announced (Posted: 10/21/19 update, updated 11/26/19)
This is both an indoor and outdoor event. Players should be prepared for outdoor play in the main draw possibly, and the back draw. Sites include: Brookhaven CC, Greenhill TC, Lifetime Plano, SMU and other north Dallas outdoor courts.
Tournament Dates / Event Dates (posted 10/21, updated 11/26)
The tournament will primarily be FR through MON. TUE is a backup date in case of poor weather. ... The schedule will LIKELY (not guaranteed) be that any divisions with more than 5 players/teams will likely begin FRI if at all possible. Typically (not guaranteed), that singles will be early in the day, then doubles, then mixed. No special schedule requests.
Refunds / Withdrawals
All withdrawals must be in writing. No refunds after entry deadline, except divisions which do not make. The DTA tournaments are a fund raiser for our DTEA youth programs assisting under-served youth in Dallas with tennis/education/lifeskills. Your entry is a donation if a division does not complete due to weather.
Doubles - NEW 2019
If entries & timing & weather allows, we hope to offer first match consolation in doubles as well as singles.
No Selection Process. All registered players will be selected.
Entry to this tournament is open to all USTA members. Entries must be submitted by Tuesday, December 3, 2019 11:59:00 PM Central Time. Only USTA members can register online if available.
In the future, you can jump straight to this tournament by entering the tournament identification number: 800020419 from the searchable schedule homepage.
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