Tournament Reports
Match Schedule Info - Future Match Info
Singles Starting Times and Draws are posted!
The Singles starting times can be accessed by clicking the Future Match Times link on this page. Please make special note of the site for your first match! We are playing at both Hope College and Holland Christian High School. All second match times are tentative as we may move them up or back depending on many factors. Please check in immediately after your match is complete to find your next match time. Do not assume the times online are correct for your second matches. Draws are posted also. Your second and third match times are listed and can be used a general reference. Boys and Girls Doubles will be starting Saturday afternoon likely between 2pm and 4pm..
We will be using 2 Sites for this event. On the draws they will be labeled as follows: Hope - DeWitt Tennis Center at Hope College at 301 Fairbanks, Ave., Holland, MI 49423 HC HS - Holland Christian High School at 950 Ottawa Ave., Holland, MI 49423 Please make special note of this when checking your first match times. All future match times are subject to change. Please check in at the tournament desk after each match to get your next match time.
Meijer State Games of Michigan
The Meijer State Games of Michigan is combining with the Lakeshore Open at Hope College. There is an optional opening ceremony on Friday, June 26 at Fifth Third Ballpark for all participants. There will be a free meal and shirt for participating in the opening ceremony. We encourage all athletes to go the ceremony if they are not playing at that time. Here is the link to more information about the event:
Starting Times
Players need to be prepared to play as early as 1pm on Friday, all day Saturday and Sunday. Official starting times will be posted on Wednesday, June 24. Draws will be posted by Friday morning.
Doubles Draws
The Boys and Girls doubles draws will be left open through Friday afternoon. The deadline to register for these will be Friday at 5pm. To register for the doubles, you must email Chris Wilton. Boys and Girls Doubles will be held on Saturday and may finish on Sunday.
NEW Doubles Division: 18 and Under MIXED DOUBLES
We are going to host this very unique division this weekend! It will be played Sunday afternoon. Play will be 8 game pro-sets. To register for this event, you must email Chris Wilton at We will leave this draw open until noon on Saturday. The draws will be posted for this on Saturday by 2pm.
Players should be prepared to play Friday after 3:30pm and all
day Saturday and Sunday. Singles play will be 2 sets and a 10 point
tiebreaker in place of a third set. Doubles will be 8 game pro
Players are selected manually by the tournament director after the close of registration.
Entry to this tournament is open to all USTA members. Entries must be submitted by Sunday, June 21, 2015 11:59:00 PM Eastern Time. Only USTA members can register online if available.
In the future, you can jump straight to this tournament by entering the tournament identification number: 850021315 from the searchable schedule homepage.
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