Tournament Reports
Daily Schedule Players By Event
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Tournament Status/Issues/Updates [As of 9/16 9:12PM]
The tournament team and the Meadowbrook Swim & Tennis Club want to thank you for participating in our tournament and wish to see you all again next year.
General Tournament Information
[1] Tournament Desk is at Meadowbrook Tennis Club in Seaside.
[2] A complementary BBQ lunch will be served to the players on Saturday.
Tournament Site: Meadowbrook Swim & Club at Seaside ("MSTC" on Draws)
For directions to the Meadowbrook Swim & Club at Seaside, please use the following link to Yahoo Maps -->
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Contacting the Tournament Director (TD) or the Referee: Withdraws, ...
[1] Until the closing of the registrations, you can withdraw yourself online with your confirmation number. [2] After closing of registration, and until the posting of the draws, please submit any withdrawal in writing first by emailing BOTH the TD and the Referee (see above), and then also CALL the TD (phone number above).
[3] After the posting of the draws, please FIRST CALL the TD and then email BOTH the TD and the Referee.
Event Draws Information and Match Formats
[1] All events have a maximum of 64 entries for Singles and 16 for Doubles.
[2] When signing up for a doubles event, you MUST identify your doubles partner (be sure that this person has entered the tournament) by using this person's USTA #.
[3] All Singles Events will be Best of 3 TB Sets. There will be a playoff match for the 3rd and 4th places.
[4] All Doubles Events will be Best of 3 TB Sets with a Match TB in lieu of a 3rd Set.
[5] All events will use regular scoring.
[6) Be on time for your matches: Check-in at the tournament desk 15 minutes BEFORE your scheduled match times and be ready to play. Penalties for lateness will be enforced.
*** Attention all players: Price Money for Men Open Singles ***
Prize money will be offered for the Mens Open Singles for draw with 45 entries or more.
*** Important Registration Information: Registration Deadline now 9/9 ***
[1] For your convenience, the registration deadline was changed to Sunday 9/9!!!
[2] A change in the tournament management software will not allow anymore the tournament staff to access your contact information from the USTA membership database. When registering to the tournament, please make sure to provide that information (phone #s and email address) as we would otherwise be unable to reach you when needed (registration issues, schedule changes, withdraws, weather issue, ...).
Player Selection TypeNo Selection Process. All registered players will be selected.
Entry TypeEntry to this tournament is open to all USTA members. Entries must be submitted by Sunday, September 9, 2007 11:59:00 PM Pacific Time. Only USTA members can register online if available.
Quick ReferenceIn the future, you can jump straight to this tournament by entering the tournament identification number: 508334407 from the searchable schedule homepage.
* For tournaments with start dates between today and December 2013 the fees displayed
include a non-refundable processing fee and apply for events entered in one transaction.
Additional fees may apply for events entered in separate transactions. For tournaments with start dates after December 2013 the total fee will be displayed
at checkout.
Division and Draw Type Abbreviations
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