Tournament Reports
Events - Alternates by Event 12/04/2019 03:36 Events - Alternates by Event 12/2/19 1:19 PM Events - Alternates by Event
Draws Posted
Draws have been posted. All matches will be played outdoors at the Cary Tennis Park. 2727 Louis Stephens Dr., Cary, NC. Any withdrawals must be communicated via email to Please show up ahead of time for matches. Penalties for lateness will be reinforced. Good luck to all!
Please check the draw for your match times throughout the weekend. The draw will feed into the consolation through the quarterfinals. There will be a 3rd place playoff for players that lose in the semifinals. We will not play the finals of the consolation draw.
Alternate Still Looking To Play?
Any alternates still looking to play this weekend should consider the NC L5 at Seven Oaks in Raleigh. There are also L5's in Hickory, Winston-Salem, and Lake Norman. The deadline for these tournaments is Monday Dec 2nd at 11.59 PM. If you decide to sign up for an L5 you must email to be taken off the alternate list for this event. The link to the L5 tournament in Raleigh homepage is here.
more info
This is an outdoor tournament. Singles
play will be on Saturday and Sunday only for this tournament.
are encouraged to be at the tournament check-in 30-minutes prior to their
scheduled match time to ensure timely scheduling. USTA Rules will be enforced for lateness.
All Matches will be played at the Cary Tennis Park
CTP address is 2727 Louis Stephens Dr. Cary, NC 27519
The Cary Tennis Park has 13 courts with Playsight Live Streaming Cameras which will be streaming during the tournament. People may view the courts on a desktop by visiting and selecting the tab “Live and on Demand” then searching “Town of Cary”. From there you would then select the “Town of Cary” and then choose the court you wish to view. Playsight also has an app for viewing from a tablet or mobile device. You must download the app and set up a free Playsight account.
Playsight VideoRecording
Players may purchase a video recording of matches played on the live streamed courts at $30 per match. To purchase a match, you must first download the Playsight app and set up a free Playsight account. Then follow these steps to purchase and record a match. 1. Determine if the player is assigned to a Live Streamed Court (Courts 1-12 and Stadium) 2. Go to the front desk of the Cary Tennis Park and purchase access to the QR code assigned to that court. 3. Once you purchase the access, you will be given your receipt and a Playsight Card to deliver to the Tournament Desk. 4. The Tournament Desk will confirm the PlaySight court which court the player is assigned, take your Playsight Card, and will present the QR code for the assigned court to be scanned through the app. 5. Once the QR Code is scanned you will be able to join the session of that particular court. Please do not leave the session in the app, as it will terminate your recorded. 6. Once the match is completed and you leave the session, the recording will be downloaded onto your Playsight account through the app for viewing. It will show up under the activities tab. (This may take 5-10 minutes)
Personal Recording of Matches
You may use personal recording devices to record a player’s match. If the opponent requests that their player not be recorded, you must either remove the device or only record your player’s side of the court.
No late entries
draw will be limited to 16 players with a Feed in thru Quarterfinals (FICQ); there
will be a 3/4 playoff match.
Consolations of full 16-draw events play to Semi-finals
Scoring Formats
12s-18s Scoring Format will be two out of three sets with a 10-point match tiebreak used in lieu of the third set
10s Scoring Format will be the best of 2 short sets. The first player to win 4 games by 2 games wins the set. If the game score is tied at 4-4, a set tiebreak ( first to 7 & win by 2) is played. Regular scoring is used. A set tiebreaker will be played for the third set. The first player to win 7 points (by 2 points) wins the tiebreaker. AD SCORING
referee will be available throughout the weekend to answer questions and to
enforce the rules, but we DO NOT supply line judges for matches. Matches going to tie-breakers will be
expected to play according to “The Code” as all other games played. Parents/Coaches are expected to conduct
themselves also in accordance to “The Code” to ensure fair play. Players are expected to make their own calls
in accordance with the procedures outlined in "The Code" in Friend at
This area has the potential to be an enforceable
code violation by each tournament for
unexcused defaults, retirements, no-shows/walkovers for both main and
consolation rounds. Player shall not fail to appear for
reasons other than injury, illness, or personal circumstance. A player shall
not enter a tournament and then fail to appear for a match (whether in the
qualifying, main, or consolation draw) except for illness, injury, or personal
circumstance. If the player’s reason for failing to appear is not one of these
reasons, or if the player gives no reason for failing to appear, then the match
shall be recorded as a default.
will be selected based on the current published NC standing list.
14U-18U: Player must have one of the
-Some NC/other state standing
-A verifiable player record, i.e. JTT, High School, Middle School, other
district/sectional rank
in 12U: L4 12U players must have established 12U tournament standing with prior
NC L5 12U points per round; L4 12U events are not part of YTP. Special circumstances
for player acceptance may need approval from NCTA office of Player Development
& Tournaments prior to acceptance.
In order to truly enjoy the
sport of tennis, it is essential to display good sportsmanship which includes
abiding by the rules, playing fair, and showing respect for your opponent. We
expect that ALL players who compete this weekend abide by guidelines set forth
by "THE CODE". Please click link for The Code (begins on page 36) as
both players and parents will be responsible for knowing these rules for
unofficiated matches. Click
more info
Tennis Parent Alert/MedicalRelease Form
No player will be allowed to
compete in the tournament unless this form is filled out. Please download your
copy, complete, and turn in prior to first match to the tournament desk.
more info
Tournament Player Responsibilities
The following tournament procedures are provided by the USTA North Carolina (aka NCTA) to help you navigate and enhance your tournament experience. We have organized it by timeframe to help you with having the smoothest tournament experience possible. In most junior tournaments you are playing "unofficiated" matches. When you register for a tournament, you declare that you know the rules of tennis and you will be playing your match according to THE CODE (pages 36-42 of Friend at Court). Please take a few minutes to review these 6 short pages of The Code with your player: Friend at Court2018.PDF Now—1-2 Days Prior to Tournament Start: Review The Code and make sure you as a player are familiar with its contents. – Become familiar with the tournament homepage (it is the page where initial registration was found) and identify: o Respective age division's scoring and match format (ex. 4 or 6 game sets, ad or no-ad scoring) o Special rules or regulations for your age division (ex. racket/court size, balls used). o Bookmark the tournament homepage in your smart phone* so you can reference it during the tournament and check it for the most up to date information pertaining to weather delays. (*If you do not have a smart phone, print out the tournament homepage for reference during the tournament.) - Print the Medical Waiver/Parent Alert and fill it out and take it with you to tournament check in. When draws are posted: -Draws are usually available on-line on the tournament homepage by noon Thursday prior to the tournament; -On the tournament home page, check the “Draws” tab to find the your match time and location -Confirm the appropriate site for your event if tournament is using multiple facilities -Tennis is an outdoor sport—please refer to the weather and have player(s) dress and prepare accordingly. - Confirm the drive time to the play site and make plans to arrive at least 30min prior to match time -Traffic is not an accepted excuse for being late. Match Day: -Recheck match time and location. -Recheck the website for any updates. -Arrive at least 30min early. o Fill water bottles, re-grip rackets, use the bathroom, etc. o The player (not parent) needs to check in for his/her match 30min early. o If a court opens up due to a match ending quickly, the tournament desk can get you on early to help the tournament as a whole move along. - Once checked in, stay near the tournament desk where you can hear your name being called. o You are on the clock once your name is called; if it takes 5+ minutes to get to the tournament desk after you are called, you risk losing the toss and possibly starting down 0-3 in the first set. During Matches: -If no official is present, spin your racket before warming up to determine server and sides. -Warm-up is 5min (roughly 3min ground strokes, volleys, overheads, 2min serves). -You are responsible for warming up your opponent for the full 5min if they request it. -Whenever an issue comes up during play, it is your responsibility as players to settle it amongst yourselves in a timely manner. -Parents and any other spectators cannot be consulted during any on court disagreements. Doing so may result in penalties assessed to the player(s) and/or possible removal of the parent(s) or spectator(s) from the premises. -You may not leave your court for any reason other than to find an official. This includes between sets. o If your opponent does not call out the score, says the wrong score, or you cannot understand the score, catch the serve and confirm the score with your opponent, then start the point over again. - If you forget the score or have a disagreement: o Each of you state what the score is in your mind along with how you arrived at that score. o If you cannot agree, go back to the most recent score you can agree on. If any part of the ball hits the line (even a single hair), the shot is good. - "Lets" may be called by either player while the ball is still in play. If you feel your opponent did not call a ball correctly: o Give you opponent the benefit of the doubt. o You may ask "Are you sure?" once; if the player confirms their call, continue playing, no further discussion. o If you believe you recognize a pattern of incorrect calls then you may ask an official to assist. You will continue to make your own calls for the time the official is present. Unforced Errors: it is considered unsportsmanlike conduct for players, parents and spectators to applaud unforced errors. Coaching (talking to a player on court during a match) is only permitted during the rest period after the second set prior to a match tiebreak. o Please get an official before beginning your 3min of coaching on court. o If you decide to take a bathroom break before the 3min is up, you forfeit your remaining coaching time. After Each Match: - Both players need to return the balls and report the score to the tournament desk together, in a timely manner. Check the draws posted at the tournament or online for your next match time and location o This should be done as soon as possible as your next match could be an hour after completing your previous match. Refer back to the "Match Day" section above and go through this document again for each of your matches. Be aware that match times may change after the draws are posted, so check the draws multiple times. Rain Delays:The most up to date information is on the tournament webpage. Please refrain from calling the tournament desk during a rain delay. o The tournament committee is busy making plans for the weather and rescheduling potentially hundreds of matches. o You will not receive any information over the phone that is not on the tournament homepage. - Please be patient with us, we want the tournament to go on just as much as you.
The role of USTA officials is to help ensure fair play and to clarify any questions you may have about the rules and regulations of tennis but NOT for instruction (scoring, serving and receiving order, tie-breaks, etc) When you enter a tournament you are expected to know the rules and how to play a tournament match. That said, USTA officials are your Friend At Court, not the tennis police, so when in doubt please contact officials with any questions or concerns you may have.
If you have any questions prior to any tournament you may email either the Tournament Director or Referee or during the event inquire at the Tournament Desk. Their contact information is listed on the tournament homepage (email is preferred). Please note all withdrawals must be done by email. Hopefully the above suggestions/procedures will enable you to have a fair and enjoyable tournament. The Tournament Committee always welcomes any suggestions you may have. This is your tournament and we are here for you.
Player shall not enter two tournaments at same
time. When entries close, a player shall not be entered in two or more
sanctioned tournaments, if any part of the tournaments overlap unless each
Tournament Committee involved understands the situation and concurs in writing.
After a player has been eliminated from a tournament whose schedule of play
partially overlaps with that of a second
tournament, the player may enter the second tournament .Per Friend at Court,
USTA REGULATIONS IV.C. (Standards of Conduct)
Click more info below to review our
current NCTA Junior Tournament Rules
& Regulations.
more info
10U Youth Tennis Progression
This tournament is considered an
Orange L1 event for 10U players, singles divisions only. With prior approval
from NCTA, 10U events may be combined OL1 with OL2 and/or co-ed divisions to
increase competition experience. Co-ed divisions will not receive standing
points. For more information on the Youth Tennis Progression (YTP) and the
quest for stars and trophies, please click here for Youth Tennis Progression
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