Playing Dates
Tournament finals are scheduled for Sunday, September 24, 2017. Some finals may be scheduled early in the day to allow for travel to subsequent events. Generally, one singles match per day is planned. For events with 16-32 players, play will start on Wednesday, September 20. Events with 33-64 players will start on Tuesday, September 19.
Super Category II Event
This tournament has been designated as a USTA "Super Category II" tournament. Please refer to the newest Points Per Round tables to see the value of each round reached.
Match Format
Main Draw - Full best 2 of 3 tie-break sets. First Match Loser Consolation: best 2 of 3 tie-break sets with Match Tie-break in lieu of a full 3rd set.
Tournament Player Reception
Due to the generosity of Tournament Sponsor, MGM National Harbor, there will be a welcome cookout for all players and their guests on Wednesday, September 20 at 6:00 PM.
Avoidance Requests
We will make every effort to honor any avoidance request in scheduling matches, provided it is submitted before the draw is made. After the draw has been posted, matches will be played as scheduled.
Official Tournament Hotel
This year's official tournament hotel is the MGM National Harbor Resort & Casino, 101 MGM National Ave, Oxon Hill, MD 20745. This hotel is within 3.5 miles of the club as well as Old Town Alexandria. MGM is graciously holding a block of rooms at a significant discount for tournament players under the group name "Belle Haven National Tennis Tournament," with the reservation link:.
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BHCC Dress Code
Please observe our dress code: adult men should wear predominantly white tennis attire - white shirt or shorts - with collared shirt.
Tell Us What You Think
Please take a few minutes to
tell USTA about your experience with this tournament by completing a short
survey at the following link:
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USTA Adult Tournament Facebook Page
There is now a Facebook Page for USTA Adult Tournaments!
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Tournament Seeds
Seeds for most events have now been posted. These were the result of input from the National Seeders, the Tournament Committee, and knowledgeable tournament players. By posting them in advance of the draw, we welcome player input. The draw will be made on Friday, September 15 at 12:00 Noon.
Prize money available.
No Selection Process. All registered players will be selected.
Entry to this tournament is open to all USTA members. Entries must be submitted by Monday, September 11, 2017 11:59:00 PM Eastern Time. Only USTA members can register online if available.
In the future, you can jump straight to this tournament by entering the tournament identification number: 302925217 from the searchable schedule homepage.
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