Unsanctioned TournamentThis tournament is not sanctioned and will not count for ranking by the governing organization.
Tournament Information
Thank you all for participating in our tournament. We look forward to seeing all of you this Saturday. Here is a little information that you might need before you get here.
All matches for this tournament will be played at Fair Oaks Tennis Center and the address is listed below: Fair Oaks Tennis Center 7501 Merriman Parkway Dallas, Texas, 75231
All matches that are above the division of Orange Ball, you will be playing a 8-Game Pro Set with REGULAR SCORING. All matches in the Orange Ball division will be playing 2 out of 3 sets (Each set is first to 4 games) with NO AD SCORING.
If you have any further questions, please email us at the link above or call us at 214-670-1495. All draws have been posted. Good Luck this weekend and hope you all play well.
1. NEW FOR 2018: Players are allowed to play up
one age level. If you are an Orange or Green Ball player and want
to play up please email: Walt Williams at williamswalt@ymail.com.
Please include players name, the age level you are signed up for
and the age level you would like to play. Request must be submitted
by the 9:00am the Wednesday before the tournament.
2. All players who compete in 4 or more DPTA Junior Circuit
tournaments will be eligible for the Masters Tournament in August.
The top 2 players in each age group in the Masters will win a spot
on the Dallas team that will compete at the USPTA State
Championships at John Newcombe's Tennis Ranch this fall.
3. DPTA Junior Circuit tournaments are open to unqualified players
from all over Texas and other states, too. Anyone who is not Champ
or Super Champ qualified is eligible to participate!
As a quick overview, DPTA Junior Circuits are one-day singles
tournaments offered to unqualified players. There are divisions of
play for orange, green, and yellow ball players. Everyone will play
at least two matches.
Yellow ball format is an 8 game pro set, ad scoring, tiebreak at 7
all. Green and orange ball format is 2 out of 3 first to four game
sets, no ad scoring and a 7 point tiebreaker for the 3rd set.
The DPTA Junior Circuits are a part of the Texas USPTA Junior Gran
Prix Circuit. We welcome unqualified players from all over Texas
and surrounding states, but please note that only players who live
in the "75" immediate Dallas area zip code qualify for the Masters
and State championship at the end of our season.
At the end of the 2017-2018 season, there will be a Masters
tournament for all juniors who have played 4 or more DPTA Junior
Circuit tournaments. Only yellow and green ball age divisions will
be offered at the Masters tournament. The top 2 finishers at the
Masters will be invited to play on the Dallas team that competes at
the USPTA State Championships at John Newcombe's Tennis Ranch in
the fall.
Please note that there are no refunds after the entry deadline.
Also, if you default out of a tournament for any reason more than 2
times, you will be ineligible for the Masters tournament or trip to
If you qualify for Champs before August 1, 2018, you are no longer
eligible for the DPTA junior circuits but are eligible for the DPTA
Champ Super Tournaments which are USTA sanctioned.
If you would like to see more information about the DPTA Junior
circuits, please go to our website at dptatennis.org.
This is a non-sanctioned tournament and will not count for USTA Texas ranking points. For more information on USTA Texas junior sanctioned tournaments, please visit www.texas.usta.com
Player Selection TypeNo Selection Process. All registered players will be selected.
Entry TypeEntry to this tournament is open to USTA Members, USTA Members who have an expired membership and Non-USTA Members. Entries must be submitted by Tuesday, July 10, 2018 11:59:00 PM Central Time.
Quick ReferenceIn the future, you can jump straight to this tournament by entering the tournament identification number: 800053418 from the searchable schedule homepage.
Division and Draw Type Abbreviations
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