Tournament Reports
Boys' 16 Singles Alternates - As of Thursday, May 26 Boys' 18 Singles Alternates - As of Thursday, May 26
All players are required to submit a signed
USTA Release & Waiver Form before competing in the tournament. We’d
appreciate it very much if you could please complete this form and return it to
Tommy Tu by email at or fax (510) 748-7377 by Friday, May 20, 2016. To download the form click on the
link below:
more info
The deadline to sign up for doubles is Friday, May 20, 2016 via email to the Tournament Director.
Everyone has been removed from doubles. For
those that have mutually agreed to play doubles together, please let me know
via email copying your doubles partner on the email and both will be paired up
together in doubles.
If you would like to play doubles but do not
have a doubles partner, please let me know via email and you will be added in
doubles. It is not the responsibility of the Tournament Committee to match a
player with a partner, but we will do our best to help pair as many players as
Failure to send the email will result in the
player not added into doubles for the tournament. Please be sure to check the
Competitors List on the tournament homepage to make sure you are added in
doubles by the deadline.
There are a few players selected into the tournament but have not paid the entry fee due to a problem with their credit card. To complete your entry, please send a check of $105.00 payable to USTA Northern California to the address
USTA Northern California
C/O: Tommy Tu
1920 North Loop Road
Alameda, CA 94502
Please send in your entry payment to the USTA NorCal office by Thursday,
May 12, 2016.
Failure to get the entry fee payment to the USTA NorCal office by
the deadline will result in your withdrawal from the tournament. There are no
Taube Family Tennis Stadium & Taube
South – 17 courts
625 Campus Dr, Stanford, CA 94305
USTA Northern California has hosted three junior national
tournaments in previous years at Stanford University; the events were very successful and everyone had a great time. Our events have seen
college coaches from Stanford, Duke, UC Davis, Santa Barbara, University of San
Francisco, Harvard, Cal Berkeley, West Point, Santa Clara, Loyola Marymount, University of
the Pacific, and Princeton. This will be our third junior national
tournament at Stanford University, and we are very excited to meet new and
returning participants.
Check out the photos from the National Selection Tournament in May, 2015:
Check out the photos from the National Selection Tournament
in May, 2014:
Check out the photos from the Regional Tournament in August, 2013:
The National Selection Tournaments are USTA Level 2 tournaments. Ranking Points are earned based on the player's result in the tournament:
NATIONAL RANKING POINTS FOR SINGLES - Feed-in Championship (FIC) through Round of 16 Draw Format 1,500 - Champion 1,125 - 2nd Place 750 - 3rd Place 525 - 4th Place 450 - 5th Place - QF Playoff Winner 405 - 6th Place - QF Playoff Runner Up 360 - 8th Place - QF Playoff Cons Losers 330 - FIC Winner (9th Place) 300 - FIC Runner-Up (10th Place) 270 - FIC Semifinalist 240 - FIC Quarterfinalist 210 - Reached FIC R16
NATIONAL RANKING POINTS FOR DOUBLES - Single Elimination Draw Format 1,500 - Champion 1,125 - 2nd Place 750 - 3rd Place 525 - 4th Place 270 - Quarterfinalist
When entries close, a
player may be entered in up to two age divisions of up to four USTA National
Selection Tournaments and also in concurrent USTA Regional Tournaments.
For more information, click:
more info
A player may not
enter one division in singles and a different division in doubles.
For more information, click:
more info
Singles draw size: 32
Doubles draw size: 16
Singles: Feed-In Championship (FIC) to Round of 16
All singles draws have a Feed-In Championship that feeds
players in through the Round of 16. The
quarterfinal losers will be fed into a separate draw to playoff for 5th and 6th
place. All singles and doubles draws have a playoff for 3rd and 4th place. All
players are required to play the playoff matches. The FIC draw will play to
completion. The FIC is considered part
of the tournament and participation is mandatory for all singles main draw
Doubles: Single
USTA National selects the players for
the USTA National Selection Tournaments.
Players are accepted into the draws and given
preference in their choice of site in the following order:
• Up to 24 (6 per draw) that are in the top 100
of the National Standings List of the next-younger age division.
• Up to 104 (26 per draw) from the National
Standings List of the division.
• If vacancies remain, players that are in the
top 400 of the National Standings List of the division.
• If vacancies remain, players that are in the
top 250 of the National Standings List of the next-younger division.
• If vacancies remain, from the National
Standings List of the division until draws full.
in Descending Division Order:
The TennisLink system will select players for these
divisions in the following order: 18s,
16s, 14s, and 12s. If a player is
entered in two age divisions and is selected into the older division, that
player shall not be eligible for selection into the younger division. If a player is not selected for the older
division, that player is eligible for selection in the younger division and is
eligible to be an alternate in the younger division, but not the older
Selection of Players Entered in Concurrent
USTA Regional Tournament:
Selection shall first be
done by the TennisLink system for the USTA National Selection Tournament. If a player is selected into the USTA
National Selection Tournament, that player shall not be eligible for selection
into a USTA Regional Tournament.
If a player is not
selected for the USTA National Selection Tournament, that player is eligible
for selection in the USTA Regional Tournament and shall also be placed on the
alternate list of the youngest division of all USTA National Selection
Tournament sites entered.
If the player is not selected for the USTA
National Selection Tournament or any USTA Regional Tournament, that player
shall be placed on alternate lists for the youngest division of all USTA
National Selection Tournament sites and the youngest division of all USTA
Regional Tournament sites the player entered.
For more information, click:
more info
Players not selected for their first choice
shall remain in the pool of applicants for entry into other concurrent USTA
National Selection Tournaments. Those
players who have not been selected after all four USTA National Selection
Tournaments draws have been filled shall be placed in alternate pools at all
concurrent USTA National Selection Tournaments for which the players indicated
a preference.
Ordering Procedures (National Standings List as of April 27) 1: Players that are in the top
500 of the National Standings List of the division
2: Players that are in the top
400 on the National Standings List of the next-younger division
3: From the National Standings
List of the division
4: From the National Standings
List of the next-younger division
5: By Lot
Entries Late entries shall be placed on the alternate
list in the order received after timely entries. Late entries received at the same time shall
be ordered by lot.
Note: We do not order all the alternates. Only the top 60 alternates will be ordered.
inclement weather affects the tournament schedule, the following rounds are
scheduled for each day:
Saturday, May
28: Main Draw Singles Round of 32 and Round of
16; FIC Singles Round 1; Main Draw Doubles Round of 16 and Quarterfinals.
Sunday, May
29: Main Draw Singles Quarterfinals and Semifinals;
FIC Singles Round 2; Quarterfinal Losers Playoff Round 1; Main Draw Doubles
Monday, May
30: Main Draw Singles Finals and 3rd-6th
Playoff; FIC Singles Semifinals and Finals; Main Draw Doubles Finals and 3rd/4th
Note: Schedule of play is subject to change by the Tournament Committee.
All matches will be regular scoring. Match formats are as
• Main Draw Singles (including playoff for 3rd/4th place): Best of 3 Tiebreak Sets
• Feed-In Championship Matches (including playoff for Quarterfinals Losers): Best of 3
Tiebreak Sets with a 10-Point Match Tiebreak in Lieu of a 3rd Set
• Doubles: 8 Game Pro Set with a 7-Point Match
Tiebreak at 8 games all
A National Singles Seeding List with only singles results
will be used to seed singles. A National
Individual Doubles Seeding List with only doubles results will be used to seed
The National Singles and Doubles Seeding Lists to be published on 5/18/2016 will be used to seed players in Singles and Doubles.
Three major airports serve the San
Francisco Bay Area, including San Francisco International (SFO), San Jose Norman
Mineta International (SJC), and Oakland International (OAK). We suggest
comparing fares to all three airports, as there can be significant differences,
even for the same airline.
Stanford is roughly equidistant from the San
Francisco and San Jose airports – both airports are about 30 minutes away.
Although San Francisco is the largest of the three area airports and offers the
most airlines and flights, some visitors find that San Jose’s smaller size
makes it a somewhat more convenient alternative, especially for domestic
flights. The Oakland airport is 45 minutes away and often has cheaper
flights than San Francisco and San Jose.
Stanford’s location
adjacent Palo Alto and Menlo Park offers an abundance of lodging choices,
ranging from B&Bs and motels to luxury hotels.
Local Lodging List
Lodging Guide is based on proximity to campus and
includes website links, rates, and contact information.
Destination Palo Alto
Other helpful lodging information is available
at Destination Palo Alto.
Withdrawals Before Entry Deadline. Before entries close, a player may withdraw
from a tournament. A withdrawing
player’s credit card has not been charged and therefore no further
communication between the withdrawing player and the tournament is necessary.
Withdrawals After Entry Deadline.
After entries close, players are instructed to immediately contact the tournament director if they need to withdraw.
Bona fide reasons for a withdrawal are illness, injury, and personal circumstances.
Players MAY NOT withdraw from one USTA National Selection
Tournament site in order to gain acceptance into another site unless a draw is
not full. This does not apply to an alternate who replaces a withdrawing player.
Refund of Entry Fees. A Tournament Committee is only required to refund
a player’s entry fee if:
• the entry is not accepted;
• the withdrawal is for previously
authorized entry into another tournament - this includes a withdrawal to play
in a USTA National Sweet Sixteen before the Freeze Deadline; or
• the withdrawal is for an authorized change by the player to another
In all other cases
(such as withdrawals for illness, injury or personal circumstances), there is
no refund.
Parking near the Taube Family Tennis Stadium is available in the Varsity Parking Lot between Stanford Stadium and Klein Field at Sunken Diamond. The Varsity Parking Lot can be accessed via Nelson Road, off of Galvez Street. Additional parking is available in the Track House lot adjacent to Cobb Track & Angell Field at the corner of Galvez and Campus Drive.
Visitor parking will have either a meter at the parking space or a permit vending machine located in the parking lot. Stanford requires permits for its on-campus lots. Visitors may park in lots or spaces designated with a green "P" or an "E" sign. Weekend and holiday parking is free.
You do not need to worry about paying for parking during Memorial Day weekend from Saturday-Monday at Stanford University; it is FREE.
Please see attached Parking & Circulation Map:
more info
Warm up courts will be available before first matches start each
day. For all other matches after, it is uncertain (most likely none). There are three places with
public courts nearby:
• Palo Alto High School (6 courts; 3 minutes away) – 25 Churchill Ave, Palo Alto, CA 94301 • Menlo School (6 courts; 10 minutes away) – 1000 El Camino Real, Atherton, CA 94027 • Rinconada Park (6 courts; 10 minutes away) – 1336 Hopkins Avenue, Palo Alto, CA 94303
Friday, May 27 Practice Courts: Info will be posted at a later time.
To save many people the trouble of arriving
early, there will be no player registration on Friday, May 27, 2016. Please check in early before your first match on Saturday, May 28, 2016.
Appropriate tennis attire is required at
all times. Only shoes with non-marking soles are permitted. Clothing not
considered proper tennis attire can include, but not be limited to:
• Sports bras worn alone (without a shirt).
• Shirts with references to sex, drugs, alcohol
or tobacco.
• Compression shorts worn alone (not covered by
shorts or a skirt).
In fairness to all players, we are
unable to grant avoidances for this tournament due to scheduling demands of the
The Wilson US Open Extra Duty tennis balls will be used for the tournament.
It is not likely to rain in Stanford, CA in May. If it does
rain, there will be no back up indoor courts.
There are no hitting
pros at Stanford University.
Tennis Town & Country -
855 El Camino Real, Palo Alto CA 94301. It is right across from Stanford
University. The shop strings the
racquets for the Stanford team so you can guarantee that your racquet will be
strung professionally. Please call for pricing – (650) 328-3223.
Entry to this tournament is restricted. To see how entrants will be selected, follow the “Selection Process” link to the left. It is the player’s responsibility to check the selection list(s) after registering online to be sure that a check mark appears beside the player’s name on the list, in order to insure proper registration. Entries must be submitted by Thursday, April 28, 2016 11:59:00 AM Eastern Time. Only USTA members can register online if available.
In the future, you can jump straight to this tournament by entering the tournament identification number: 500001416 from the searchable schedule homepage.
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