Results Now Posted:
Check your results and scores. If there is an error, please email us at: Thanks for a great day of tennis!
We are using two sites for this tournament. YOUR site is located on the draw beside your time. Please report to your site 20 minutes prior to all match times. Thank you
(FPark) Ferguson Park
SITES: (FPark) Ferguson Park: 1401 Golf Course Drive, Gastonia, NC 28054
(RCG) Racquet Club of Gastonia
(RCG) Racquet Club of Gastonia: 3104 Howe Dairy Road, Gastonia, NC 28056
Ball Types
Tennis Tournament Balls-Yellow Ball-Pro Penn; Green Ball-Prince; Orange Ball-Prince
Yellow Ball for 14s-18s Green Ball for 12s Orange Ball for 10s
2017 Junior Tournament Changes
Parents, players, and coaches. Please click the link below to review some changes to our 2017 junior tournament structure.
more info
We look forward to hosting a well run tournament. It is our goal
to fill our draws and give a positive tennis experience. Thank you
for choosing our tournament. See you on court!
12 and under Will be played with Green Dot low compression balls on regulation court.
10's and Under Will be played on a 60 foot court with low compression orange balls. Racquets must be no larger than 25 inches. 10's Scoring For all North Carolina 10 and under, Level
1-5 tournament play, the required scoring format, for singles shall be the best
of 2 short sets (first to 4 and win by 2), with a set tiebreak (first to seven
(7) and win by two (2) at 4-4 in each set, and a set tiebreak (first to 7 and
win by 2) for the third set. AD SCORING. In case of inclement
weather, singles play shall consist of one regular six (6) game set with a set
tiebreak (first to seven (7) and win by 2) at 6-6 . AD SCORING
All Draws are limited to 16 players
Players are selected manually by the tournament director after the close of registration.
Entry to this tournament is open to all USTA members. Entries must be submitted by Sunday, September 24, 2017 11:59:00 PM Eastern Time. Only USTA members can register online if available.
In the future, you can jump straight to this tournament by entering the tournament identification number: 703946217 from the searchable schedule homepage.
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