Tournament Reports
Future Match Info Report
DAY 5 Wednesday is complete
All the results from day 5 are posted. Please verify your next match times.
I have published the Future Match Report so you can easliy find you first match time. The list is in alphabetical order and includes the match time, opponent and next match times if available.
Suzanne Clark, the number 4 seed in the 70S has had to withdraw from the Tournament. Following the regulations the highest seed in the 5 seeded group, Kathy Langer, moves to Clark's vacated spot, the highest seed in the 9 seeded group, Grace Woo, moves to Langer's vacated spot, the highest seed in the 13 seeded group, Catherine Kestle, moves to Woo's vacated spot and the next person who would have been seeded, Joan Nevins, moves to Kestle's vacated spot.
The 60 Doubles draw and schedules for Saturday and Sunday are now posted. Sorry for the delay.
70 Singles note
The 70's draw is a 64 draw this year so if you have trouble locating your name in the draw it may be in the bottom half (33-64) of the draw.
The times for Sunday's matches except for the 60 doubles are now posted. Once the draw is done the 60 doubles matches are to be scheduled at 2:00 pm on Saturday and 3:00 pm on Sunday. Sorry for the delay.
Change 60 SIngles
Due to tournament error a player was left out of the draw. That player had been added and there are now only 4 byes. Very sorry for the error.
All draws are posted except for the 60 doubles. Due to an illness withdrawal the 60 doubles draw will not be posted until Tuesday Evening. All divisions will play the first round of singles and the first round of doubles on Saturday. Sunday's match times will be posted Tuesday.
SEEDINGS Update 4/5/2010
Due to the withdrawal of the #2 seed in 60 singles those seeds have been adjusted. The 60 doubles seeding may also change due to the withdrawal. Based on feedback and concurrence by the seeding committee changes were also made in the 70's seeding. Remember we are limited on changes by the ITF Regulations. With draw sizes up to 32 the Seeding Committee has two wildcards which can be used to seed players based on the "All Factors Method" which takes into consideration all known factors. For draws from 33-64, three wildcards are available.
We will be updating all week
Hello ladies! We are finishing up a 230 player junior tournament today, so I'm sorry we haven't updated much. We will be working on the seeds Wednesday and Thursday, and will have them posted at the end of the week. We have a great tournament planned for you! Our volunteers have been working very hard on getting the breakfast, snacks, and lunches organized. Both Tani and I (JOC) are going to be out of the office Tuesday, March 30th, so we won't be able to answer questions again until Wednesday, March 31st. Thank you for your patience. We are looking forward to this event!
National Tournament Survey
Your thoughts are important, click here to take the survey!
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Entry Forms
We will be mailing out entry forms by February 10th. You may also register online via Tennis Link.
Welcome Party will be Friday, April 9th late afternoon. Time to be determined.
Hotel Information
Information on hotels can be located on our website, located on the left hand side under our "tournament" page. Prices subject to change for 2010.
more info
All draws will begin Saturday, April 10th. This includes singles
and doubles.
No Selection Process. All registered players will be selected.
Entry to this tournament is open to all USTA members. Entries must be submitted by Friday, March 26, 2010 11:59:00 PM Central Time. Only USTA members can register online if available.
In the future, you can jump straight to this tournament by entering the tournament identification number: 703214610 from the searchable schedule homepage.
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