Email sent to all players
Hi All,
We have had 11 withdrawals after the draws were done and
have replaced every withdrawal with an alternate. What does this mean???
Due to the nature of this event, every time a player withdraws we put them into
the bottom flight and move everyone else up. This means seedings in each
flight may change, players may move up a flight and individual match
times may change slightly. It’s a lot of work on our end but we
think it’s important in order to provide competitive matches in the way a Super
Series is intended.
I’m optimistic there’ll be no more withdrawals but in the
meantime EVERYONE should check the draws again today.
All matches will be played at Fremont Tennis Center, 1110
Stevenson Blvd., Fremont. Please check in 15 minutes before match time.
Future match
time changes
All draws are complete and if there is further changes to be made you will be
contacted via the email address used to register for this event.
Please contact
if you have any questions or need to withdraw.
It is the players responsibility to check in, know the match format, both players
must report scores and know when they’re next match is. We are asking all
players to check in 15 minutes prior to the start of their match so we can keep
on time.
Warm up courts
Courts 4-18 are designated warm up courts from 7am and we expect players to
SHARE courts for warm ups. Once matches have started there will be no warm up
courts at Fremont Tennis Center. Other possible locations nearby are Mission
San Jose Community Park, Niles Community Park and Centerville Community Park.
All of these will show up on a google search. Keep in mind these are public
courts and are on a first come basis.
Players are expected to behave within the guidelines of code of conduct and
their role will be to compete fairly, be respectful of opponents, officials and
themselves. We expect all players to make good calls, trust their opponents
calls and call the score loudly so their opponents can hear.
Parents also will be held accountable to the code of conduct of Friend of
Court. Their role will be supporters of the event, officials, opponents and
players. Any conduct that is not consistent with Friend of Court and the
Tournament expectations may result in the individual being asked to leave the
site or default of players.
Videotaping of matches
Due to City policies there is
no videotaping at this tournament, this supersedes the USTA NorCal policy. Any
violations will fall under the Code of Conduct and will strictly be enforced.
There’s no food for sale onsite at FTC, however the soccer kiosk (approximately
200 yards away) will be open both Saturday and Sunday serving food. Alternative
food options are Mission Valley Shopping center (approximately 1.5 miles away),
Mexican, Subway, Chinese, Starbucks, Luckys.
Draws and scheudle were posted Tuesday 5/10 1pm. Please arrive 15 minutes before match time. All matches will be played at Fremont Tennis Center, address is posted above.
Welcome to Fremont Tennis Center Super Series
Thank you for registering for this tournament. This tournament will be run over two days and players are expected to play 3 matches. Expectations for players - we believe players at this level should own their tennis therefore be 100% responsible checking in on time, reporting scores and being respectful towards tournament staff, officials, opponents and the sport. Expectations for parents - parents shall allow the tournament staff, officials and players to do their part to ensure smooth running of the tournament. They shall enjoy the matches, encourage all players and soak up the fantastic NorCal sunshine.
Selections & Draws
Selections for this tournament are done by the USTA NorCal office staff based on UTR and rankings. Selections will be done Friday May 6th. Draws and schedules will be done immediately after selections and match schedules will be posted by 8am Wednesday May 11th.
Warm up courts
Warm up courts will be available prior to the start time each day of the tournament. Because we are only using Fremont Tennis Center there will be no warm up courts after the first match start time.
Videotaping Policy
City of Fremont does not allow the videoing of any players therefore supersedes the USTA NorCal rules of videoing matches.
NorCal USTA Super Series rules
Super Series. Super Series Tournaments are ratings-based singles tournaments for advanced players offered in the 18 and 14 divisions. Players with similar ability are grouped into 8-player compass draws. Players that typically enter the 12 division should play the 14 division. Players that typically enter the 16 division should play the 16 division. Tournaments will take place over a 2-day sanction period. All events use a yellow ball on a 78’ court and a player’s racquet may not exceed 29" in length.
i. Pathway Eligibility - Players Aged 12 Years and Younger. To enter and play in a Super Series Tournament, players must players must be at least 8 years of age and first fulfill the pathway requirements as set forth in Rule 10.
ii. Draw Size and Type. 64 total players per gender will compete in each Super Series. Players will be flighted into draws of 8 as described below. The draw format will be a compass draw with a playoff for 3rd and 4th place.
iii. Selection. Players will be selected based on the most recently available Universal Tennis Ratings as follows:
a. 18 Divisionthe top 32 rated boys and top 32 rated girls with timely entries, regardless of age, are selected for the boys’ and girls’ 18 division events.
b. 14 Divisions. The top 32 rated boys and top 32 rated girls with timely entries that meet the age eligibility requirements for a 14-and-under division tournament, will be selected for the boys’ and girls’ 14 Division events. If a player has entered and been selected for the 18 Division, they must play the higher division. (See Concurrent Tournament Rule 6.B.iii. for entering two divisions).
In the event two or more players have the same rating, the tie will be broken as set forth in Rule 11.I.vii. below.
iv. Concurrent Event Selection Order. Concurrent 18 and 14 division Super Series and UTR Round Robin Tournaments are held and concurrent entry is permitted (see Rule 6.B.iii.). Selection will first be done by USTA NorCal staff for the Super Series in descending division order (18 division, followed by 14 division). A player entered in both tournaments that is not accepted into the 18 division Super Series will be eligible for selection into the 14 division Super Series. A player entered in a Super Series and UTR Round Robin that is not accepted into the Super Series will be eligible for selection into the UTR Round Robin Tournament. A player may be an alternate for all tournaments; however once a player accepts a position in a draw of one tournament that player may not subsequently withdraw from that tournament to play in the other. Doing so is a violation of the Concurrent Tournament Rule.
v. Player Selection Publication Requirement. Unless delayed due to the availability of USTA NorCal staff to make singles selections, the singles selection lists will be published no later than the Friday following the Monday entry deadline. In the event of a delay, the publication date will be published to the tournament website.
vi. Flighting and Seeding Players will be flighted into 8-player compass draws using the most recently available Universal Tennis Ratings so that players with similar ratings are in each compass draw. These ratings will also be used to seed the draws. In the event two or more players have the same rating, the tie will be broken as set forth in Rule 11.I.vii. below.
vii. Breaking Selection, Flighting, and Seeding TieIn the event two or more players have the same rating, a tie will be broken based on the players’ highest rankings on the most recently published Combined Sectional Final Ranking Lists as follows:
a. 18 Divisions. The players’ highest rank on the 18 Division list will be used. If both players do not appear on the 18 Division list, the 16 Division list will be used. If both players do not appear on the 16 Division list, the 14 Division list will be used. If both players do not appear on the 14 Division list, the 12 Division list will be used.
b. 14 Divisions. The players’ highest rank on the 14 Division list will be used. If both players do not appear on the 14 Division list, the 12 Division list will be used.
viii. Match and Scoring Formats. Regular scoring will be used.
[1] Please check tournament internet home page for changes and
corrections to the printed Jr. Schedule.
[2] Players will report directly to first match site, not
necessarily to the Fremont Tennis Center.
[3] Some matches may be played under lights.
[4] Additional site may be used, Mission San Jose Community Park.
Players are responsible for transportation between sites.
[5] All withdrawals after entry closing date must be made in
writing to and are subject to withdrawl
[6] On match days withdrawls should be made by both phone and
[7] Please review the NEW concurrent rules.
AS PER USTA NORCAL JUNIOR TOURNAMENT RULES..... Each event will be limited to 32 players and flighted into 4 compass draws. Selection and seedings will be done by the USTA NorCal office based on UTR.
Tournament Evaluation link -
Players are selected manually by the tournament director after the close of registration.
Entry to this tournament is open to all USTA members. Entries must be submitted by Monday, May 2, 2016 11:59:00 PM Pacific Time. Only USTA members can register online if available.
In the future, you can jump straight to this tournament by entering the tournament identification number: 500002516 from the searchable schedule homepage.
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