Individual Player Record Report
Jacob Kam
City, State
Alexandria, VA
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

TopShotsJuniors   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] 2024/25 F/W SG Boy/12GGN USTA JTT League of NOVA
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #258538411/02/2024 Lawrence Ou
4-3 , 4-0 Won
Match #258725201/04/2025 Eamonn Brown
4-3 , 2-4 , 1-0 Won
Match #258658301/05/2025 Ayyappan Muthuvel
4-0 , 4-0 Won
Match #258732801/12/2025 Christopher Jacoby
4-1 , 4-2 Won
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #258732801/12/2025 Theodore Yesawich Christopher Jacoby
Louis Brown
4-2 , 4-1 Won
Match #258658301/05/2025 Chase Albert Ayyappan Muthuvel
Thomas Sun
4-0 , 4-1 Won
Match #258372210/19/2024 Mati Lamb Sidharth Paruchuri
Neev Kesharia
4-2 , 4-1 Won
Match #258538411/02/2024 Vikram Kumar Lawrence Ou
Thomas Sun
4-1 , 4-3 Won
Match #258548611/10/2024 Chase Albert Eamonn Brown
Cesar Devoto
4-3 , 3-1 Won
Match #258559311/16/2024 Mati Lamb Louis Brown
Christopher Jacoby
4-2 , 4-1 Lost
Match #258564411/23/2024 Vikram Kumar Sidharth Paruchuri
Neev Kesharia
4-0 , 4-2 Won

Skyline Friendship Fighters 14A   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] 2025 Winter/Spring Coed USTA JTT League of NOVA
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #260384003/01/2025 Miles Tung
4-3 , 4-1 Lost
Match #260112102/15/2025 Mati Lamb
4-0 , 4-0 Won
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #260112102/15/2025 Vicente Bermudez Ernests Davidsons
Keshav Vemuganti
4-1 , 0-4 , 1-0 Won
Match #260169502/22/2025 Vicente Bermudez Makariusz El Hage
Henry Chung
4-1 , 4-1 Won
Match #260384003/01/2025 Vicente Bermudez Jad Benjelloun
Alexandre Grimaldi Sotton
4-1 , 4-0 Won

Championship Results

No Championship record is found for this Championship Year.