Individual Player Record Report
David Vo
City, State
Cerritos, CA
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

12 bronze Cerritos tennis center   [Section] So. California > [District] So. California > [Program] 2019 Orange County Spring USTA Junior Team Tennis
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #211053002/23/2019 Delila Vargas
6-1 Won
Match #211054204/06/2019 Dale Allen
6-1 Won
Match #211053603/16/2019 Delila Vargas
6-0 Won
Match #211053803/16/2019 Emily Gao
6-5 Won
Match #211054404/13/2019 Emily Gao
6-5 Won
Match #211054604/27/2019 Matthew McGuirk
6-1 Won
Match #211054003/30/2019 Cole Carlson
6-2 Won
Match #211053205/04/2019 DARSHAN BALA
6-3 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #211053205/04/2019 Connor Dang Mohammad Kobeissy
6-1 Won
Match #211054003/30/2019 Jolie Vo David Stanescu
Cole Carlson
6-5 Won
Match #211054604/27/2019 Gwynneth Vong Matthew McGuirk
Macy McClellan
6-5 Lost
Match #211054404/13/2019 Darshan Powers Payton Nguyen
Emily Gao
6-5 Won
Match #211053803/16/2019 Darshan Powers Payton Nguyen
Emily Gao
6-5 Won
Match #211053603/16/2019 Valerie Machikawa Henry Chang
Finley Shivaram
6-1 Won
Match #211053002/23/2019 Jolie Vo Delila Vargas
Tressa Beatty
6-1 Won

12 A Cerritos tennis center chutikorn   [Section] So. California > [District] So. California > [Program] 2019 Orange County Spring USTA Junior Team Tennis
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #211010504/20/2019 Michael Ray
6-5 Won
Match #211008504/20/2019 Amy Kim
6-3 Won
Match #211010304/13/2019 DILLON HAN
6-1 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #211010504/20/2019 Connor Dang Sam Shakiba
Michael Ray
6-3 Won
Match #211010304/13/2019 Sohan Koushik Isabel Ghazarian
6-0 Won
Match #211008504/20/2019 Gwynneth Vong Nora Brue
Ian Lee
6-1 Won

14s Bronze Cerritos chutikorn   [Section] So. California > [District] So. California > [Program] 2019 Orange County Fall USTA Junior Team Tennis
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #218293410/12/2019 Sarina Zomorrodian
6-1 Won
Match #218293810/26/2019 Breanna Anderson
6-1 Won
Match #218294611/16/2019 Morgan Le
6-4 Won
Match #218293610/19/2019 Ryu Sumida
6-2 Won
Match #218294211/12/2019 Andrei Timoshuk
6-3 Won
Match #218295112/14/2019 Joelle Cheeseman
6-4 Won
Match #218294911/23/2019 Default
6-0 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #218293410/12/2019 Zach Tang Sarina Zomorrodian
Giada Leone
6-1 Won
Match #218294911/23/2019 Vince Maramba Default
6-0 Won
Match #218295112/14/2019 Joshua Lee AURELE VERRANDO
Joelle Cheeseman
6-1 Won
Match #218293110/05/2019 Christopher Kim Amy Kim
Keira Kim
6-1 Won
Match #218294211/12/2019 Vince Maramba Kate Jensen
Abigail Tweedt
6-0 Won
Match #218293610/19/2019 Zach Tang Ryu Sumida
Ian Sun
6-3 Lost
Match #218294611/16/2019 Vince Maramba Morgan Le
Kapil Ramasubramanian
6-5 Lost
Match #218293810/26/2019 Vince Maramba Breanna Anderson
Amelia Hellem
6-0 Won

12s Bronze Cerritos Hot Cheetos Chutikorn   [Section] So. California > [District] So. California > [Program] 2019 Orange County Fall USTA Junior Team Tennis
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #218317512/15/2019 Eugene Ban
6-3 Won
Match #218316010/19/2019 Eugene Ban
6-3 Won
Match #218315309/28/2019 Louie Hanson
6-1 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #218316411/09/2019 Sanjay Ganapathy Cole Carlson
Luke Jolley
6-2 Lost

Championship Results
Section Championship

12s 2.9 and below - Pool A (3 teams) / Spring 2019 JTT Section Championships
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #214864106/01/2019 Parrwat Litigorn Faustin Zhang
Matthew Vo
8-2 Won
Match #214863906/01/2019 Aashi Patel Christian Camarillo
Mikaela Merilles
8-7 Lost

12s 2.9 and below #1s (4 teams) - for Sunday's play / Spring 2019 JTT Section Championships
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #214866206/02/2019 Parrwat Litigorn Jayden Yu
8-2 Won

14's 2.9 and Below Pool B (4 teams) / So. California - Fall Section Championships 2019
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #220533601/05/2020 Vince Maramba John FENG
Jarett Navarat
8-3 Lost
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #220533501/04/2020 Ashlie Vo
8-0 Won
Match #220533301/04/2020 Jeffrey Dong
8-4 Lost
Area Championship

12s A / 2019 Spring - OC JTT Local League Jamboree
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #215529706/08/2019 Sanjay Ganapathy Michael Ray
Ryan Miao
6-4 Lost
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #215529706/08/2019 Michael Ray
6-3 Lost