Individual Player Record Report
Lana Reed
City, State
Yorktown, VA
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

McNag - Buirski   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] Richmond Fall Coed Junior Team Tennis Program
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #207138809/23/2018 Sophia Petrosky Mary Mitchell
Hollyn Borich
4-2 , 4-0 Won
Match #207139210/07/2018 Jordan Thomas Violet Julien
Claire Watkinson
4-1 , 4-0 Won
Match #207139410/14/2018 Sophia Petrosky Mary Mitchell
Rebecca Nystrom
4-2 , 3-4 , 1-0 Won
Match #207139810/28/2018 Sophia Petrosky Claire Watkinson
Anusha Algappan
4-3 , 4-3 Won

Championship Results
Section Championship

Flight - 12 and Under - Intermediate / Mid-Atlantic - Section Championship 2019
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #216766508/03/2019 Sophia Petrosky Kayla Kennedy
Sai Bhasin
8-6 Lost
Match #216766308/03/2019 Sophia Petrosky Chase London
Ariana Pazos-Delaguila
8-1 Lost
District Championship

Flight - 12 and Under - Intermediate / Mid-Atlantic - Virginia Region - District Championship 2019
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #216485107/21/2019 Sophia Petrosky Chase London
Ariana Pazos-Delaguila
8-5 Lost
Match #216485007/21/2019 Sophia Petrosky Violet Julien
Anusha Algappan
8-3 Lost
Match #216484907/20/2019 Sophia Petrosky Violet Julien
Claire Watkinson
8-5 Lost
Match #216484807/20/2019 Sophia Petrosky Kayla Kennedy
Ariana Pazos-Delaguila
8-5 Lost
Program Championship

Flight - 12 and Under - Intermediate / Mid-Atlantic - Virginia Region - Richmond - 12s-18s - Program Championship 2019
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #209222911/11/2018 Sophia Petrosky Violet Julien
Claire Watkinson
3-4, 4-3, 1-0 Lost