Individual Player Record Report
Robert Monticciolo
City, State
South Setauket, NY
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

World Gym   [Section] Eastern > [District] Long Island Region > [Program] Long Island Advancing League- 2018
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #204022605/19/2018 Ivan Cariaso
6-0 Won
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #204022505/12/2018 Christopher Decker Ivan Cariaso
Giancarlo Volpe
6-2 Won
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #204022905/13/2018 Maria Fernanda Perez Canedo Aya Deckman
Brody Surbeck
6-1 Won
Match #204022705/05/2018 Maria Fernanda Perez Canedo Nolan Surbeck
Hana Deckman
6-0 Won
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #204022805/11/2018 Kieran Parnell Brody Surbeck
Nolan Surbeck
6-0 Won

World Gym 2   [Section] Eastern > [District] Long Island Region > [Program] Long Island Advancing League- 2018
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #204036205/21/2018 James Capone-Dixon Aron Bursztyn
Joseph Monticciolo
6-0 Lost
Match #204036405/22/2018 Gabriel Bursztyn Aron Bursztyn
Joseph Monticciolo
6-0 Lost
Match #204036305/23/2018 Juan Perez Alejandro Pablo Perez Canedo
Aron Bursztyn
6-0 Lost

Championship Results
Section Championship

Flight - 12 and Under - Intermediate / Eastern - Section Championship 2018 - 12 Intermediate
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #204617406/09/2018 Juan Perez Jacob Chun
Ethan Wu
6-2 Won
Match #204617906/10/2018 Gabriel Bursztyn Aden Gorbansky
Stanley Hoo
6-3 Won
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #204617606/10/2018 Maria Fernanda Perez Canedo Thomas Canfield
Mallory Offredi
6-1 Won
Match #204616706/09/2018 Maria Fernanda Perez Canedo Leo Lee
Riley Schmitz
6-2 Won

Flight - 14 and Under - Intermediate / Eastern - Section Championship 2018
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #204875206/16/2018 Christopher Decker Adam Zarlock
Brian Bork
6-1 Lost
Match #204875406/17/2018 Gabriel Bursztyn Lucas Castillo-Sanchez
Aidan Staunton
6-0 Lost