Program Match Summary Report - Match #794270
Whitewater Windom - Windom   vs   Richard Craig Juniors - Pierce     back to search result
Date Scheduled 10/10/2009 3:00 PM
Date Played 10/10/2009
Match Win Criteria Games won
Facility Whitewater Creek (Club-Priv(Close))
165 Birkdale Drive Fayetteville
Match Status Played
Box Score Whitewater Windom - Windom vs Richard Craig Juniors - Pierce
Games 25   34
Sets 4   8
Matches 1   4
Indicates the winner
Scoring Format: Short Set 2 of 3 sets MatchTieBreaker 4 Games
Male Singles
Whitewater Windom - Windom (home)
Richard Craig Juniors - Pierce (away)
Winning Score
& Result
Match #1
Justin Nima
Camden Pierce
4-1   4-1
Female Singles


Match #1
Malorie Cliche
Mikayla Lynn Martinez
4-1   4-2
Male Doubles


Match #1
Ryan Williams
Amanda Windom
Zachary Wells
Bradley Ray Perry
4-1   2-4   1-0
Female Doubles


Match #1
Brooke Morgan Crosby
Amanda Nima
Adalynn Rath
Brianna Deraney
4-3   4-1


Match #1
Justin Nima
Brooke Morgan Crosby
Bradley Ray Perry
Adalynn Rath
4-3   2-4   1-0