Program Match Summary Report - Match #2505129
FRC Double Trouble   vs   Dulles South Tennis Team (DSTT)     back to search result
Date Scheduled 12/2/2023 7:00 PM
Date Played 12/2/2023
Match Win Criteria Games won
Facility Herndon Community Center
814 Ferndale Ave Herndon
Match Status Confirmed
Box Score FRC Double Trouble vs Dulles South Tennis Team (DSTT)
Games 27   18
Sets 6   2
Matches 3   1
Indicates the winner
Scoring Format: Short Set 2 of 3 sets MatchTieBreaker 4 Games
Male Singles
FRC Double Trouble (home)
Dulles South Tennis Team (DSTT) (away)
Winning Score
& Result
Match #1
Carson Fenner
Kevin Wang
4-0   4-3
Female Singles


Match #1
Ainsley Oshry
Audrey Suh
4-0   4-3
Male Doubles


Match #1
Carson Fenner
Tuna Turhan
Andrew Junho Park
Kevin Wang
4-1   4-3
Female Doubles


Match #1
Ainsley Oshry
Tessa Berg
Jaein Hwang
Sarah Park
4-1   4-2