Program Match Summary Report - Match #1782469
BHCC Silver 14's   vs   MRHC NOVA Super Rackets     back to search result
Date Scheduled 5/7/2016 4:00 PM
Date Played 5/7/2016
Match Win Criteria Games won
Facility Belle Haven Country Club
6023 Fort Hunt Rd Alexandria
Match Status Played
Box Score BHCC Silver 14's vs MRHC NOVA Super Rackets
Games 14   31
Sets 3   7
Matches 1   3
Indicates the winner
Scoring Format: Short Set 2 of 3 sets MatchTieBreaker 4 Games
Male Singles
BHCC Silver 14's (home)
MRHC NOVA Super Rackets (away)
Winning Score
& Result
Match #1
Tripp Greenwood
Jake McGowan
4-3   2-4   1-0
Female Singles


Match #1
Grace Murphy
Elena Turner
4-0   4-1
Male Doubles


Match #1
Andrew Knops
Ryan Oswald
Shawn Lisann
Charley Roth-Douquet
4-1   3-4   1-0
Female Doubles


Match #1
Morgan Murphy
Katie Patrick
Elena Turner
Jennifer Ha
4-0   4-1