Program Match Summary Report - Match #1711204
MILLS COLLEGE Boys 15U Advanced   vs   CLAREMONT R and S Boys 15U Advanced     back to search result
Date Scheduled 3/29/2015 9:00 AM
Date Played 7/24/2015
Match Win Criteria Individual Matches won
Facility N/A
Match Status Confirmed
Box Score MILLS COLLEGE Boys 15U Advanced vs CLAREMONT R and S Boys 15U Advanced
Matches 2   3
Games 42   57
Sets 5   8
Indicates the winner
Scoring Format: 3rd Set Tie Break
Male Singles
MILLS COLLEGE Boys 15U Advanced (home)
CLAREMONT R and S Boys 15U Advanced (away)
Winning Score
& Result
Match #1
William Coupe
Maxwell Geiger
6-3   4-6   1-0
Match #2
Kyle Matabuena
Karl Collins
6-1   6-4
Match #3
Tyler Riverbay
David Jackson
6-2   4-6   1-0
Match #4
Joshua Matabuena
Ryan Chan
7-5   6-2
Male Doubles


Match #1
Paolo Flores
Nickolay Marakhtanov
Max Augus
Benjamin Granat
3-6   7-6   1-0