Program Match Summary Report - Match #1441451
Indian Hills CC - Team No. 2   vs   Midtown Tennis     back to search result
Date Scheduled 10/5/2013 12:00 Noon
Date Played 10/5/2013
Match Win Criteria Games won
Facility Indian Hills Country Club
6020 Lockton Ln Shawnee Mission
Match Status Confirmed
Box Score Indian Hills CC - Team No. 2 vs Midtown Tennis
Games 11   32
Sets 0   8
Matches 0   4
Indicates the winner
Scoring Format: Short Set 2 of 3 sets MatchTieBreaker 4 Games
Male Singles
Indian Hills CC - Team No. 2 (home)
Midtown Tennis (away)
Winning Score
& Result
Match #1
John C Moore
Aiyan Sanjanwala
4-2   4-3
Female Singles


Match #1
Spencer Blacketer
Abigail Dunn
4-1   4-3
Male Doubles


Match #1
Conner Howe
John C Moore
Miles Bail
Andrew Boessen
4-0   4-1
Female Doubles


Match #1
Spencer Blacketer
Helen Hendricks
Abigail Dunn
Ellie Bail
4-0   4-1