Program Match Summary Report - Match #1337842
Deer Run 14U Winter Mixed   vs   Bridgemill 14U I's     back to search result
Date Scheduled 11/2/2012 5:00 PM
Date Played 11/2/2012
Match Win Criteria Games won
Facility Deer Run North
4052 Dream Catcher Dr Woodstock
Match Status Confirmed
Box Score Deer Run 14U Winter Mixed vs Bridgemill 14U I's
Games 21   31
Sets 4   7
Matches 2   3
Indicates the winner
Scoring Format: Short Set 2 of 3 sets MatchTieBreaker 4 Games
Male Singles
Deer Run 14U Winter Mixed (home)
Bridgemill 14U I's (away)
Winning Score
& Result
Match #1
Finn Rueffert
Travis Thomas Main
4-0   4-3
Female Singles


Match #1
Jessica Pienta
Saydi Jameson
4-0   4-0
Male Doubles


Match #1
Brandon Barr
Nathan Barr
Liam Alexander Rowe
Conner Alms
4-0   4-1
Female Doubles


Match #1
Brooke Ventura
Brooke Waters
Jessica Blake
Sydney Palmer
4-1   4-0


Match #1
Leah Helsby
Finn Rueffert
Wheeler Liggin
Sydney Palmer
3-4   4-3   1-0