Individual Player Record Report
Chiara Ammirati
City, State
Del Mar, CA
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Surf & Turf Rookies 10 int. 2.9 and below   [Section] So. California > [District] San Diego > [Program] San Diego Spring 2018 Junior Team Tennis
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #201118303/25/2018 Andrew Phan
4-1 , 4-0 Lost
Match #201118603/11/2018 Theodore Johnson
4-1 , 3-4 , 1-0 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #201117502/25/2018 Emma Demirovic Kiley Snook
Emma Cunningham
4-1 , 2-4 , 1-0 Lost
Match #201119004/15/2018 Raman Pyzhyk Kiley Snook
Noel Allen
2-4 , 4-1 , 1-0 Won
Match #201119804/29/2018 Vikram DEORE Tanujsai Nimmagadda
Kaymie Nguyen
4-0 , 4-1 Won
Match #201120105/06/2018 Sebastian Charat-Collins Default
4-0 , 4-0 Won

Surf and Turf Racketeers 12's 2.9 int   [Section] So. California > [District] San Diego > [Program] San Diego Fall 2018 Junior Team Tennis
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #208233810/07/2018 Mitchell Wang Ava Hasani
Emma Mortimer
6-5 , 4-6 , 1-0 Lost
Match #208235911/11/2018 Raman Pyzhyk Jonathan Tran
Christian Silva
6-3 , 6-0 Lost

Championship Results

No Championship record is found for this Championship Year.