Individual Player Record Report
Noah Johnston
City, State
Anderson, SC
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Brookstone - U14 Challenger   [Section] Southern > [District] South Carolina > [Program] GJTT All Divisions Fall 2017
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #197209010/13/2017 Thomas Lea
4-0 , 4-1 Won
Match #197209210/27/2017 Joseph Lee
4-3 , 4-0 Won
Match #197209311/03/2017 Ranjan Jindal
4-3 , 4-2 Lost
Match #197209811/17/2017 Joseph Lee
4-3 , 4-1 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #197209811/17/2017 Maren Clare McClain Elizabeth Greene
Joseph Lee
4-2 , 4-0 Won
Match #197209311/03/2017 John Billinis Daniel Choi
Benjamin Anderson
4-2 , 4-1 Won

12s Pirates and Mermaids   [Section] Southern > [District] South Carolina > [Program] 2018 Advanced Invitational **Qualifiers Only**
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #206099602/17/2018 Mary Cain Webster Jayden Broderick
Bella Payne
8-6 Won
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #200627802/16/2018 Nolan Curran
8-0 Won
Match #200631502/18/2018 Jayden Broderick
8-0 Won
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #206099802/18/2018 Xander Clarkson Nolan Curran
Hayden Darby
8-2 Won

Pure Insanity   [Section] Southern > [District] South Carolina > [Program] 2018 Advanced Invitational **Qualifiers Only**
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #200625902/16/2018 Shahab Hossain Matthew Jacques
Aiden Williams
9-8 Lost
Match #200625202/16/2018 William King Ryan Watson
Joseph Lee
8-3 Won
Match #200626302/18/2018 William King Jacob Messer
Carlin Davenport
8-5 Lost

14u Pirates and Mermaids   [Section] Southern > [District] South Carolina > [Program] 2018 Advanced Invitational **Qualifiers Only**
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #206103702/16/2018 Mary Cain Webster Alexandra Kinlaw
Max Gallivan
8-1 Won
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #200627702/16/2018 Connor Donley
8-1 Won
Match #200627102/16/2018 Erik Miner
8-0 Won
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #200627002/18/2018 Xander Clarkson Max Gallivan
Bo Davis
8-2 Lost
Match #206103702/16/2018 Xander Clarkson Ranjan Jindal
Bo Davis
8-2 Lost

Championship Results
Section Championship

12U ADV / Southern - Section Championship 2018
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #206129708/10/2018 Xander Clarkson Theo Liakonis
Trent Valeriano
1-4, 4-0, 1-0 Won
Match #206130108/11/2018 Xander Clarkson Harrison Kemp
Bryce Lawrence
4-1, 4-2 Won
Match #206130408/11/2018 Xander Clarkson Jonathan Kneer
Andrew Wan
4-0, 4-1 Won
Match #206130608/11/2018 Xander Clarkson Luke Boskovich
Warren Hudson
4-0, 4-0 Won
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #206129708/10/2018 Mary Cain Webster Benjamin Snyder
Ensley Collins
4-1, 4-0 Won
Match #206130608/11/2018 Mary Cain Webster Parker St Amant
Lucas Wrigley
4-0, 4-0 Won
District Championship

Flight - 12 and Under - Advanced / Southern - South Carolina - District Championship 2018
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #205624507/14/2018 Sebastian Good
4-0, 4-0 Won
Match #205624707/14/2018 William Claus
4-0, 4-0 Won
Match #205625407/15/2018 Davidson Lynch
4-1, 4-0 Won
Match #205625107/15/2018 Kristian Flint
4-0, 4-0 Won
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #205625407/15/2018 Mary Cain Webster Mary Ellington
Davidson Lynch
4-1, 4-0 Won
Match #205624707/14/2018 Mary Cain Webster Grayson Rowley
Charlie Claus
4-0, 4-0 Won