Individual Player Record Report
Athena Orzechowski
City, State
Katonah, NY
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Hardscrabble Club   [Section] Eastern > [District] Southern Region > [Program] Westchester Local League 2016/2017
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #184581810/29/2016 Eriella Aizen
4-0 Won
Match #184582611/12/2016 Rebecca Tanenbaum
4-0 Won
Match #184583412/03/2016 Default
4-0 Won
Match #184585801/28/2017 Spencer Elliot
4-2 Won
Match #184587403/11/2017 Owen Levinson
4-1 Won
Match #184588203/25/2017 Pierre August
4-0 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #184589004/10/2017 Sophie Ahlberg Default
4-0 Won
Match #184588203/25/2017 Arjun Ojha Pierre August
Liam Azar
4-0 Won
Match #184587403/11/2017 Noah Cohen Eriella Aizen
JohnPaul Sateriale
4-0 Won
Match #184585801/28/2017 Sophie Ahlberg Spencer Elliot
Sophia Badurina
4-2 Won
Match #184581810/29/2016 Noah Cohen Ellie Clark
Eriella Aizen
4-0 Won
Match #184583412/03/2016 Arjun Ojha Hudson Ludwig
Vanessa Cabassa
4-0 Won
Match #184582611/12/2016 Sophie Ahlberg Lilly Dunn
Rebecca Tanenbaum
4-2 Won
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #185661705/06/2017 Justine Maresco
4-2 Won
Match #185662805/06/2017 Om Sanan
4-2 Won
Match #185661601/15/2017 Ares Economides
4-2 Lost
Match #185661902/04/2017 Lia Bucello
4-3 Won
Match #185663004/01/2017 Ethan de Los Reyes
4-3 Won
Match #185661404/22/2017 Michael Botti
4-1 Lost
Match #185661104/29/2017 Justine Maresco
4-1 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #185661705/06/2017 Sophie Ahlberg Kaitlynn Hanna
Barbara Jo Coppola
4-1 Won
Match #185661404/22/2017 Noah Cohen Michael Botti
Justine Maresco
4-1 Lost
Match #185663004/01/2017 Sophie Ahlberg Kimberly Krasner
Keaton Tavel
4-1 Won
Match #185663004/01/2017 Noah Cohen Ethan de Los Reyes
Lia Bucello
4-2 Won
Match #185661902/04/2017 Sophie Ahlberg Default
4-0 Won
Match #185661601/15/2017 Sophie Ahlberg Amratya Jain
Ares Economides
4-2 Lost
Match #185662805/06/2017 Sophie Ahlberg Kaitlynn Hanna
Barbara Jo Coppola
4-2 Won

Championship Results
Section Championship

Flight - 10 and Under - Intermediate / Eastern - Section Championship 2017 - 10&Under Orange and Green
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #192738006/10/2017 Victoria Ulatowski Dennis II Jeffrey
Lielle Assayag
4-0 Won
Match #192738206/10/2017 Victoria Ulatowski Joseph Zachary Felix
Brayden Bonetti
4-2 Lost
Match #192738506/10/2017 Victoria Ulatowski Kai Collins
Mateo Juan
4-2 Lost
Match #192738806/11/2017 Victoria Ulatowski Addison Jones
Brooklyn Jones
4-0 Won
Match #192739106/11/2017 Victoria Ulatowski Sean Polak
John Mathew Yacub
4-0 Won
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #192739106/11/2017 John Mathew Yacub
4-0 Won
Match #192738806/11/2017 Olivia Hoffman
4-2 Won
Match #192738506/10/2017 Kai Collins
4-2 Won
Match #192738206/10/2017 Brayden Bonetti
4-0 Won
Match #192738006/10/2017 Vincent Chang
4-3 Won