Individual Player Record Report
Arnav Kamath
City, State
Cupertino, CA
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Guardians of the Court   [Section] No. California > [District] No. California > [Program] Winter 2017 - Lifetime Tennis Pre-Season League
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #187722302/26/2017 Shreyas Yemmanuru
6-2 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #187722703/12/2017 Zachary Smentek Vivan Waghela
Eddie Ouyang
5-2 Lost
Match #187722703/12/2017 TANVI Waghela Vivan Waghela
Brendan Tsang
5-2 Lost
Match #187722403/26/2017 Zachary Smentek Dhruv Lohani
Rahul Kaura
5-3 Lost
Match #187722903/19/2017 MAXEN KAISER Shungen Honkura
Noah Sato
5-4 Won
Match #187722903/19/2017 Rui Hikida Noah Sato
Shreyas Yemmanuru
6-2 Lost
Match #187722903/19/2017 TANVI Waghela Arnav Dayal
Shungen Honkura
5-4 Lost
Match #187722302/26/2017 Zachary Smentek Pranathi Ravipati
Shreyas Yemmanuru
6-1 Lost

Federer's Force   [Section] No. California > [District] No. California > [Program] Spring 2017 - Lifetime Tennis JTT Local League
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #191236705/07/2017 Nishi Kaura
5-4 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #191236204/23/2017 Ryan Pan Taichi Kimura
Dhruv Lohani
5-3 Won
Match #191236204/23/2017 MAXEN KAISER Dhruv Lohani
Clarence Choy
6-5 Won
Match #191236705/07/2017 Elliot Eber Nishi Kaura
Jason Xu
4-2 Lost
Match #191236705/07/2017 Elliot Eber Diya Sammanna
Jason Xu
4-2 Lost
Match #191236705/07/2017 Elliot Eber Nishi Kaura
Diya Sammanna
6-2 Won

Championship Results

No Championship record is found for this Championship Year.