Individual Player Record Report
Maximus Monogenis
City, State
Bronxville, NY
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

College RC, Cheetahs   [Section] Eastern > [District] Southern Region > [Program] Westchester 10U Championship League 2016/2017
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #185203611/05/2016 Hiroshi Hebner
4-2 Lost
Match #185204901/21/2017 Arjun Virk
4-0 Won
Match #185204412/10/2016 Barbara Jo Coppola
4-2 Won
Match #185205102/04/2017 Olivia Medrano
4-0 Won
Match #185205903/18/2017 Theodore Balzano
4-3 Lost
Match #185206404/29/2017 Default
4-0 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #185203611/05/2016 Nale Namunyola Default
4-0 Won
Match #185206404/29/2017 Jacob Chun Default
4-0 Won
Match #185205903/18/2017 Taigo Kawai Theodore Balzano
Andrew Gao
4-2 Won
Match #185205102/04/2017 Jacob Chun James Wolff
Lily Dematas
4-0 Won
Match #185204412/10/2016 Rhys Brown Andrew Gao
Michael Nalepka
4-3 Lost
Match #185204901/21/2017 Taigo Kawai Willem van Roijen
Sammy Paradise
4-2 Won

Championship Results
Section Championship

Flight - 10 and Under - Advanced / Eastern - Section Championship 2017 - 10&Under Orange and Green
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #192739406/10/2017 Jacob Chun Zane Nipon
Bryan Bin
4-0 Lost
Match #192739506/10/2017 Jacob Chun Michael Yacub
Gianna Moss
4-2 Won
Match #192739806/10/2017 Jacob Chun Lucas Muccini
Bassil Touban
4-1 Lost
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #192739806/10/2017 Cyrus Chan
4-3 Won
Match #192739506/10/2017 Ari Moshkovich
4-2 Won
Match #192739406/10/2017 Bryan Bin
4-1 Lost