Individual Player Record Report
Kevin Joynt
City, State
Newport Beach, CA
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

14's Silver-Advantage Tsunami-TennisClub, NB- Whit   [Section] So. California > [District] So. California > [Program] 2017 Orange County Spring USTA Junior Team Tennis
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #188209703/11/2017 Jake Rasmussen
8-7 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #188209703/11/2017 Jack Johnson Leo Goria
Aidan del Col
8-2 Won

14's "A"-Advantage Hurricanes-Tennis Club, NB-Whit   [Section] So. California > [District] So. California > [Program] 2017 Orange County Spring USTA Junior Team Tennis
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #188771803/04/2017 Kalen Han
6-2 Won
Match #190106503/18/2017 Octaviano Roges
6-2 Won
Match #190107004/02/2017 Aditi Patel
6-5 Won
Match #190107104/01/2017 Jakob Dubin
6-3 Won
Match #190106704/23/2017 Sarah Lee
6-3 Won
Match #190107204/29/2017 Darren Hsu
6-1 Won
Match #190106605/06/2017 Matthew Pugh
6-2 Won
Match #190106805/06/2017 Sydney Osborn
6-2 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #188771803/04/2017 Thomas Stobart Jaxon Bach
Wiley Worland
6-2 Won
Match #190106805/06/2017 Jane Paulsen Joey Swan
Arya Nemati
6-3 Lost
Match #190106605/06/2017 Thomas Stobart Cassandra Hitch
Hailey Petteys
6-2 Lost
Match #190107204/29/2017 Jack Johnson Jon PRIJYANONDA
Andrew Chiou
6-0 Won
Match #190106704/23/2017 Jane Paulsen Sarah Lee
Jaden Han
6-1 Won
Match #190107104/01/2017 Thomas Stobart Lance Ha
Nameer Ahmed
6-1 Won
Match #190107004/02/2017 Jack Johnson Ava Kurtz
Nico Cruz
6-1 Won
Match #190106503/18/2017 Jack Johnson Brooke Cressy
Zachary Champine
6-4 Won

14s Bronze -ADVANTAGE- The Tennis Club, NB - Whit   [Section] So. California > [District] So. California > [Program] 2017 Orange County Fall USTA Junior Team Tennis
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #196698909/30/2017 Elizabeth Dalterio
6-1 Won
Match #196699410/07/2017 Andy Choi
6-2 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #196699410/07/2017 John Cross Andy Choi
Jaewon Shin
6-3 Won
Match #196698909/30/2017 Jane Paulsen Elizabeth Dalterio
Ainsley Beresford
6-4 Lost

14s Silver -ADVANTAGE - The Tennis Club, NB -Whit   [Section] So. California > [District] So. California > [Program] 2017 Orange County Fall USTA Junior Team Tennis
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #196671610/01/2017 Kenny Perez
8-1 Won
Match #196673110/22/2017 Hudson Poling
8-6 Won
Match #196672710/28/2017 David CHEN
8-0 Lost
Match #196673811/19/2017 Natalia Gorzny
8-2 Lost
Match #196674211/19/2017 David CHEN
8-6 Lost
Match #196673511/12/2017 Krisha Patel
8-5 Won
Match #196674012/02/2017 Veronic Trinh
8-2 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #196673511/12/2017 Seif Abdelkhalek Default
8-0 Won
Match #196674012/02/2017 Seif Abdelkhalek Veronic Trinh
Justin Bullette
8-4 Lost
Match #196674211/19/2017 John Cross Spencer Ho
Konrad Walter-Wu
8-2 Lost
Match #196672510/29/2017 Gregory Minasian Ninh Nguyen
Veronic Trinh
8-7 Lost
Match #196673811/19/2017 Jack Johnson Natalia Gorzny
Jessica MacCallum
8-1 Lost
Match #196672710/28/2017 John Cross Michele Covino
Paolo Conta
8-4 Won
Match #196672310/14/2017 Gregory Minasian Chloe Greene
Ryan Posey
8-7 Won
Match #196673110/22/2017 John Cross Hudson Poling
Kenny Perez
8-6 Won
Match #196671610/01/2017 Seif Abdelkhalek Kenny Perez
Max Banks
8-3 Won

Championship Results
Program Championship

14s A / So. California - So. California - Orange County - Program Championship 2017
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #193395906/10/2017 Jane Paulsen John Mitchell
David Huang
6-1 Won
Match #193396006/11/2017 Jane Paulsen Biella Games
John Cross
6-5 Lost
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #193396006/11/2017 Biella Games
6-4 Lost
Match #193395906/10/2017 David Huang
6-2 Won