Individual Player Record Report
Oliver Catanzaro
City, State
Santa Monica, CA
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

SMTC 14U 3.5+   [Section] So. California > [District] So. California > [Program] SFV/SCV/WLA Spring 2017 Junior Team Tennis
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #187969803/05/2017 Otto Do
8-0 Won
Match #187967704/22/2017 Braun Levi
8-2 Won
Match #187969304/30/2017 Willow Gretsch
8-0 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #187970205/13/2017 Adrien Navarre Konan Sahara
Jackson Zinn
8-2 Won
Match #187969304/30/2017 Nathan Caoile Jacob Dix
Davina Yashar
8-0 Won
Match #187968504/23/2017 Adrien Navarre Neel Joshi
Lorenzo Brunkow
8-2 Won
Match #187967704/22/2017 Nathan Caoile Braun Levi
William McCollum
8-2 Won
Match #187969803/05/2017 Adrien Navarre Sydney Iino
Zoe Shin
8-0 Won

smtc 18u 3.4 & Below   [Section] So. California > [District] So. California > [Program] SFV/SCV/WLA Fall 2017 Junior Team Tennis
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #196512412/03/2017 Noah Froman
8-2 Won
Match #196513610/22/2017 Kendric Marcy
8-3 Won
Match #196513910/29/2017 Dominique Rolland
8-2 Lost
Match #196511911/12/2017 Luca Lovrich
8-5 Lost
Match #196513310/15/2017 Matthew Knight
8-7 Lost
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #196513610/22/2017 Samuel Bernardy Aurelio Gonzalez
Kendric Marcy
8-4 Lost
Match #196512910/08/2017 Kyle Sahara Brian Webber
Ethan Subel
8-4 Won
Match #196513310/15/2017 Kyle Sahara Default
8-0 Won
Match #196512412/03/2017 Iasac Fishman Default
8-0 Won

Championship Results
Section Championship

14 & Under 3.5 and above Pool B (3 teams) / Spring 2017 JTT Section Championship
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #192816506/03/2017 Adrien Navarre Austin Dust
Brandon Vu
8-4 Lost
Match #192816706/03/2017 Adrien Navarre Damian de la Loza
Dylan Ojeda
8-3 Lost

14 & Under 3.5 and above Playoff (#1 and #2 teams from Pool A & B) / Spring 2017 JTT Section Championship
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #192861706/04/2017 Phil Hodges Andrew Salu
Chase Thompson
8-0 Lost
Match #192861506/04/2017 Phil Hodges Tory Bailey
Maximilian Wuelfing
8-3 Won