Individual Player Record Report
Hannah Morehead
City, State
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

4Star Crushers   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] 2016-17 Fall/Winter USTA JTT League Of NOVA
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #185501011/12/2016 Shazmeena Khattak
4-1 , 4-0 Won
Match #185288010/22/2016 Shelby Johnson
4-0 , 4-2 Won
Match #186174912/17/2016 Emily Rounsley
4-3 , 4-0 Won
Match #186254001/08/2017 Amanda Chesley
4-1 , 4-1 Won
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #185448410/29/2016 Emily Yi Dana Edson
Maya Donkor
4-0 , 4-0 Lost
Match #185500311/06/2016 Kalani Augusto Valerie Bays
Maya Wilson
4-1 , 4-3 Won
Match #185612512/04/2016 Emily Yi Default
4-0 , 4-0 Won
Match #185624812/10/2016 Emily Yi Jennifer Gulley
Alexandra Barrett
4-3 , 4-1 Lost
Match #186174912/17/2016 Emily Yi Gwyneth McNamara
Emily Rounsley
2-4 , 4-1 , 1-0 Won
Match #185288010/22/2016 Emily Yi Lana Farkas
Ellie Miller
4-1 , 4-0 Won

4Star Crushers   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] 2017 Winter/Spring Coed USTA JTT League Of NOVA
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #190642505/06/2017 Lindsay Nyquist
4-0 , 4-0 Won
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #190642505/06/2017 Erica Maebius Aarushi Desai
Lindsay Nyquist
4-0 , 4-1 Won

NoVa Breakpoint   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] MAS 2017 Wild Card
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #192052605/20/2017 Evan Dokken THOMAS SPEELMAN
Bailey Bashara
8-3 Won
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #192052605/20/2017 Victoria Lam Victoria Woods
Lindsay Grose
8-5 Won
Match #192052205/20/2017 Megan Bauer Jessica Wen
Grace Caplice
8-4 Lost
Match #192053405/21/2017 Megan Bauer Olivia McNulty
Amanda Yermal
8-3 Lost
Match #192052405/20/2017 Ellie Esterowitz Morgan Aufenger
Catherine Hobbs
8-3 Won

Championship Results
Program Championship

18 and Under - Advanced / Mid-Atlantic - Virginia Region - Northern Virginia - Program Championship 2017
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #187297901/15/2017 Lucy Alejandro Annie Clerici
Alexandra Barrett
4-0, 4-1 Won
Match #191746605/14/2017 Erin Li Maya Donkor
Kaitlin Nguyen
4-0, 4-2 Lost
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #191746605/14/2017 Maya Donkor
4-1, 4-0 Lost