Individual Player Record Report
Cara Hung
City, State
Playa Del Rey, CA
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Tracker Jackers 3.4 belo sprg 17   [Section] So. California > [District] So. California > [Program] LA/South Bay/Long Beach Spring 2017 JTT
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #190231405/06/2017 Raghavendra Raikar
8-6 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #190232004/01/2017 Kelly Giese Michael Decastro
Keynon Thompkins
8-6 Won
Match #190232404/08/2017 Emily Markus Christopher Tarvin
Chloe Stark
8-5 Lost

South Bay Bombers (Fall 17) 3.5   [Section] So. California > [District] So. California > [Program] LA/South Bay/Long Beach Fall 2017 JTT
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #197396210/14/2017 Jonas Corona
8-2 Lost
Match #197397012/02/2017 Quin Brady
8-5 Won
Match #197397612/09/2017 Marissa Markey
8-5 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #197396811/11/2017 Ben Jorgensen Maximilian Wuelfing
Caleb Saltz
8-3 Lost
Match #197396210/14/2017 Ben Jorgensen Caleb Saltz
Yuta Yamada
8-7 Lost

Championship Results
Section Championship

14 & Under 3.4 and below Pool A (3 teams) / Spring 2017 JTT Section Championship
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #192813506/03/2017 Marissa Markey Peter Boyd
Hayden Dannenhold
8-1 Won
Match #192813906/03/2017 Arya Samimi Juskeerat Anand
Sean Liem
8-0 Won

14 & Under 3.4 and below #1 Playoffs (#1 teams from Pool A, B, C & D) / Spring 2017 JTT Section Championship
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #192856106/04/2017 Kacey Feng Austin Lucca
Kaveh Brian Taheri
8-7 Won
Match #192856306/04/2017 Kacey Feng Brandan Ong
Spencer Cheung
8-5 Won

14s 3.5 and above Pool B (3 teams) / Fall 2017 JTT Section Championships
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #199861201/06/2017 Kelly Giese Kaia Wolfe
Avery Hopkey
8-1 Lost
Match #199861601/06/2017 Kelly Giese Kylie Hirasawa
Ohmin Geoun
8-0 Won

14s 3.5 and above - #2s Final Match (for Sunday) / Fall 2017 JTT Section Championships
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #199862401/07/2017 Kelly Giese Aakarsh Vermani
Matthew Pham
8-5 Lost