Individual Player Record Report
Gevork Bislamyan
City, State
Van Nuys, CA
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Nikki's Tennis Crew 14 intermediate   [Section] So. California > [District] So. California > [Program] SFV/SCV/WLA Spring 2016 Junior Team Tennis
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #176791103/20/2016 Shivam Khadiya
8-5 Lost
Match #176790504/03/2016 Mikayla Kane
8-6 Won
Match #176790805/07/2016 Nicholas Jan
8-1 Lost
Match #176790905/15/2016 Karena Balagula
8-0 Won
Match #176790605/01/2016 Julian Alamares
8-1 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #176790605/01/2016 Herschey Liss William Cha
Alia Campos
8-2 Won
Match #176790905/15/2016 Herschey Liss Natalie Chung
Evan Comiskey
8-4 Won
Match #176790805/07/2016 Presley Panaro Sofia Pena
Madison Skipp
8-3 Lost
Match #176790504/03/2016 Harrison Goss Mikayla Kane
Anisa Londhe
8-1 Won
Match #176791103/20/2016 Emma Miele Andrew Belcher
Shivam Khadiya
8-5 Won

Nikki's Tennis Crew 14 intermediate   [Section] So. California > [District] So. California > [Program] SFV/SCV/WLA Fall 2016 Junior Team Tennis
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #183193712/11/2016 Dominic Ablakhad
8-6 Won
Match #183193110/23/2016 Kalea Martin
8-1 Won
Match #183194911/13/2016 Yussof Khalilian
8-6 Won
Match #183191312/04/2016 Sam Tabandeh
8-4 Lost
Match #183194312/04/2016 John Doe
8-6 Won
Match #183192110/09/2016 Emily Shi
8-4 Won
Match #183192510/16/2016 Shivam Khadiya
8-3 Won
Match #183191710/02/2016 Anisa Londhe
8-6 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #183193110/23/2016 Emma Miele Kalea Martin
Alex Sklyar
8-5 Won
Match #183191710/02/2016 Emma Miele Isabella Pitchford
Joshua Lebel
8-6 Won
Match #183192510/16/2016 Emma Miele Vedant Khadiya
Shivam Khadiya
8-4 Lost
Match #183192110/09/2016 Emma Miele Moorea Ramessar
Isabella Ferrucci
8-0 Won
Match #183193712/11/2016 Emma Miele Samantha Hariz
Dominic Ablakhad
8-4 Lost
Match #183194312/04/2016 Emma Miele Naaya Feddanich
Sofia Gevorgian
8-0 Won
Match #183191312/04/2016 Srishta Hazra Priscilla Grinner
Giana Mucci
8-1 Won
Match #183194911/13/2016 Matthew Stevens Maximilian Holschneider
Becket Bowz
8-6 Lost

Championship Results
Section Championship

Flight - 18 and Under - Beginner / So. California - 18U Boys SFV/Ventura Fall 2016
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #184152911/06/2016 Adam Beres Default
8-0 Won
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #184152911/06/2016 Michael Cristiano
8-2 Won
Match #184152310/16/2016 David Spellerberg
8-2 Won

Flight - 18 and Under - Sat/Adv / So. California - 18U Boys SFV/Ventura Fall 2016
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #183836510/29/2016 Harrison Goss Jack Hagar
Hyuma Umeda
8-6 Lost
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #183836110/16/2016 Nathan Juan
8-3 Lost