Individual Player Record Report
Josiah Williams
City, State
Abilene, TX
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Kiss My Aces - Wallace   [Section] Texas > [District] Texas > [Program] Abilene Area JTT - Spring 2016
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #179028904/10/2016 Yajat Patel
8-7 Lost
Match #179029004/17/2016 Subash Swarna
8-0 Won
Match #179028103/06/2016 Tony Couch
8-6 Lost
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #179028504/03/2016 Owen Crawford Austin Beckham
Dylan Haught
8-3 Lost
Match #179028002/28/2016 Bryan Taylor River Young
Kristopher Keating
8-1 Lost
Match #179029404/24/2016 Bryan Taylor William Sweetser
Ethan Scarborough
8-7 Won

Whaqued - Wallace   [Section] Texas > [District] Texas > [Program] Abilene Area JTT - Fall 2016
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #185531109/25/2016 Yajat Patel
8-1 Lost
Match #185531310/02/2016 Harrison Heatherly
8-2 Lost
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #185531510/09/2016 James Pichler Tony Couch
Alek Poradek
8-5 Lost
Match #185531810/16/2016 Reese Allen Yajat Patel
J C Beeson
8-2 Won
Match #185531910/23/2016 James Pichler Martin Careaga
William Sweetser
8-3 Won
Match #185532210/30/2016 Reese Allen Ben Couch
Alek Poradek
8-2 Won

Championship Results
Section Championship

Flight - 18 and Under - Intermediate Indigo Draw / Texas - Spring Section Championship 2016
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #179303805/28/2016 Bryan Taylor Valentin de la Rosa
Stefan Gurtner
6-0 Lost
Match #179304005/28/2016 Bryan Taylor Harel Milan
Tristan Tongol
6-0 Lost
Match #179304105/28/2016 Bryan Taylor Isaiah Samora
Samson Garibay
6-2 Lost
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #179304105/28/2016 Connor Crumly
6-0 Lost
Match #179304005/28/2016 Jef Granflor
6-0 Lost
Match #179303805/28/2016 Stefan Gurtner
6-2 Lost

Flight - 18 and Under - Intermediate 5th - 8th / Texas - Spring Section Championship 2016
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #179427905/29/2016 Bryan Taylor Zachary Sheehy
Anthony Petrakian
6-1 Lost
Match #179428105/29/2016 Bryan Taylor Tanner Logan
Danny Chapa
6-1 Lost
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #179428105/29/2016 Danny Chapa
6-4 Won
Match #179427905/29/2016 Anthony Petrakian
6-1 Lost

Flight - 18 and Under - Intermediate / Texas - Fall Section Championship 2016
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #185853311/12/2016 James Pichler Zach Fleming
Scott Murphy
6-0 Lost
Match #185853611/12/2016 Reese Allen Travis Martin
Dane Strandboge
6-0 Lost
Match #185853811/12/2016 James Pichler Jacob Amerson
Ethan Royal
6-5 Lost
Match #185854011/13/2016 James Pichler Jacob Carson
Blake Lamsens
6-5 Won
Match #185854411/13/2016 James Pichler Micah Moore
Corey Hill
6-5 Lost