Individual Player Record Report
Sofia Rose
City, State
New Haven, CT
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Aces and Academics   [Section] New England > [District] Connecticut > [Program] Southern CT Fall 2015 Non Age Validated
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #171561710/10/2015 Parker Feng
7-6 , 7-6 Lost
Match #171561710/10/2015 Leah Bievenour
7-2 , 7-6 Won
Match #171561310/24/2015 Sophia Bechtel
7-3 , 7-4 Won
Match #171561310/24/2015 Miles Gillott
4-7 , 7-3 , 7-6 Won
Match #171561911/07/2015 Blake Layton
7-2 , 7-3 Won
Match #171561911/07/2015 Lincoln Pope
7-6 , 7-6 Won
Match #171561811/14/2015 Parker Feng
7-3 , 7-2 Lost
Match #171561811/14/2015 Benjamin Lublinsky
7-5 , 7-4 Lost
Match #171561611/22/2015 Aamena Shipchandler
4-7 , 7-1 , 7-2 Won
Match #171561611/22/2015 Rohak Gulia
7-5 , 7-6 Won

Redding Country Club Rockers   [Section] New England > [District] Connecticut > [Program] Southern CT Winter 2016 Non Age Validated
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #174116901/10/2016 Ethan Schamberg
4-0 Lost
Match #174119701/16/2016 Henry Moro
4-3 Lost
Match #174116201/31/2016 Aryan Hassija
4-1 Lost
Match #174114802/06/2016 Callum Sizer
4-0 Lost
Match #174116102/20/2016 Olivia Koziol
4-3 Lost
Match #174114703/20/2016 Delaney Belcourt
4-1 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #174114703/20/2016 James Lorenzetti Antoinette Lowy
Mason Porras
4-1 Won
Match #174116102/20/2016 Michael Lorenzetti Aryan Hassija
Ashlynn Koons
4-1 Won
Match #174114802/06/2016 Alex Krausche Kieran Anand
Callum Sizer
4-2 Lost
Match #174116201/31/2016 James Lorenzetti Lauren Zhang
Olivia Koziol
4-1 Won

Aces and Academics of New Haven   [Section] New England > [District] Connecticut > [Program] Southern CT Spring 2016 Non Age Validated
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #177247304/10/2016 Grace Ha
6-4 Won
Match #177245204/30/2016 Garretson Curtis
6-2 Lost
Match #177245605/07/2016 Tomas Dahl
6-4 Won
Match #177247105/14/2016 Punarvasan Garani
6-3 Lost
Match #177247405/21/2016 Default
6-0 Won
Match #177245306/04/2016 Garretson Curtis
6-5 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #177245306/04/2016 Shelbe Vidal Elia Ahmadi
Kian Ahmadi
6-4 Won
Match #177247405/21/2016 Amanda Simpson Default
6-0 Won
Match #177247105/14/2016 Shelbe Vidal Henry Yang
Punarvasan Garani
6-4 Won
Match #177245605/07/2016 Ruth Aromolaran Tomas Dahl
Aiden Cohen
6-4 Won
Match #177245204/30/2016 Shelbe Vidal Garretson Curtis
Kian Ahmadi
6-3 Lost
Match #177247304/10/2016 Shelbe Vidal Brian Oppenheim
Peter Scully
6-2 Lost

TC Blazers   [Section] New England > [District] Connecticut > [Program] Southern CT Summer 2016 Non Age Validated
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #179996406/25/2016 Christopher Yuh
4-2 Lost

Aces and Academics of New Haven   [Section] New England > [District] Connecticut > [Program] Southern CT Summer 2016 Non Age Validated
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #179905407/31/2016 Edward Crowther
6-4 Lost
Match #179905507/09/2016 Sebaga Kombo
6-0 Lost
Match #179906206/26/2016 Craigin Maloney
6-0 Lost
Match #179905707/16/2016 Hayden Frey
6-1 Won
Match #179905606/20/2016 Ethan Ofek
6-3 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #179905507/09/2016 Shelbe Vidal Sophia Padro
Sebaga Kombo
6-4 Lost
Match #179905407/31/2016 Tristan Ward Edward Crowther
Andrew Sack
6-5 Lost
Match #179906206/26/2016 Shelbe Vidal Craigin Maloney
Jay F Dusza
6-0 Lost
Match #179905606/20/2016 Shelbe Vidal Sophia Padro
Sebaga Kombo
6-4 Lost
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #179996007/17/2016 Jack Newman
4-3 Lost
Match #179997207/30/2016 Evelyn Mollow
4-0 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #179996007/17/2016 Ryan Davis Samuel Wells
Oliver Rohrbasser
4-3 Lost

Championship Results

No Championship record is found for this Championship Year.