Individual Player Record Report
Francesca Tamirisa
City, State
Mc Lean, VA
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Treeing in the Woods   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Maryland Region > [Program] 2015 Fall MCTA JTT (Non-Advancing)
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #171785510/18/2015 Ray Weng
6-2 , 6-2 Won
Match #171784710/25/2015 Benjamin Horwhat
6-1 , 6-3 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #171786311/01/2015 Maite Lopez Matthew Levine
Jeremy Bloom
6-2 , 6-3 Lost
Match #171789412/06/2015 Maite Lopez Margaret Railey
Andrew Omenitsch
2-6 , 6-1 , 1-0 Won
Match #171790012/13/2015 Ryan Jones Evan Cole
Daniel Blanc
2-6 , 6-4 , 1-0 Won

Treeing in the Woods   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Maryland Region > [Program] 2016 WINTER MCTA (Non-Advancing) (5)
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #174913201/10/2016 Default
6-0 , 6-0 Won

Treeing in the Woods/Johnson   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Maryland Region > [Program] 2016 Spring MCTA JTT
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #178021205/07/2016 Daniel Ramos Sayaka Shanbhag
Brian Tran
6-2 , 6-2 Won
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #178020704/30/2016 Sarah Feng
6-4 , 5-3 Lost
Match #178323105/01/2016 Diana Levit
6-2 , 6-0 Won

ACERS   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Virginia Region > [Program] MAS 2016 Wild Card
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #178612605/20/2016 Joshua Seigel Anna Klinker
Luke Sablik
6-4 Won
Match #178611705/21/2013 Shawn Berdia Catherine Gulihur
Joseph Brown
6-2 Lost
Match #178612005/22/2016 Shawn Berdia Austynn Crocker
Felix Seoh
6-1 Won
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #178611705/21/2013 Catherine Gulihur
6-0 Lost
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #178611405/22/2016 Shelby Johnson Jahveesha Combs
Mary Toomy
6-1 Lost
Match #178612005/22/2016 Shelby Johnson Megan Bauer
Joee Crocker
6-3 Won
Match #178612605/20/2016 Shelby Johnson Catherine Mandable
Shazmeena Khattak
6-3 Lost
Match #178612305/20/2016 Kelli Stinchcomb Rani Jones
Ashley Fitz-Patrick
8-6 Lost

Championship Results
District Championship

18 and Under Intermediate - Flight 2 / Mid-Atlantic - Maryland Region - JTT State Championship 2016
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #180868007/09/2016 Jhanvee Patel Sarah Grebosky
Michaela Chambers
8-3 Won
Match #180868307/09/2016 Jhanvee Patel Sienna Pyle
Emily Cannistraci
8-0 Won
Match #180868507/10/2016 Jhanvee Patel Preeti Bairi
Taelor Brown
8-1 Won
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #180868307/09/2016 Jake Gordon Steven Goetz
Abby Brecker
8-0 Won
Match #180868007/09/2016 Jake Gordon Shannon Murphy
David Saiontz
8-0 Won