Individual Player Record Report
Chase Armstrong
City, State
Trussville, AL
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Triple T's 8 and under   [Section] Southern > [District] Alabama > [Program] Birmingham League Spring 2012
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #113784402/24/2012 Lauren Boyd
7-5 , 7-1 Won
Match #113784903/09/2011 Josie Robertson
7-2 , 5-7 , 7-2 Won
Match #113785003/30/2012 Samuel Burr
7-3 , 4-7 , 7-3 Lost
Match #113784704/27/2012 Veston Colvin
13-11 , 8-6 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #113785504/20/2012 Nolan Armstrong Josie Robertson
Andrew Robertson
1-7 , 8-6 , 7-5 Won
Match #113784704/27/2012 Jackson Bryan Veston Colvin
Camden Hemstreet
3-7 , 7-2 , 8-6 Lost

triple t's 8's   [Section] Southern > [District] Alabama > [Program] Birmingham League Summer 2012
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #118244905/31/2012 Margaret MacKin
7-2 , 5-7 , 7-3 Won
Match #118245006/07/2012 Sam Nichols
7-4 , 7-4 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #118244805/24/2012 Annalise Johnson Sam Nichols
Bennett Love
10-8 , 3-7 , 7-5 Lost
Match #118390906/28/2012 Nolan Armstrong Emarie Price
Hudson Hager
7-5 , 5-7 , 7-4 Lost

Championship Results
District Championship

Flight - 8 and Under - Intermediate / Southern - Alabama - District Championship 2012
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #123214207/21/2012 Nolan Armstrong Chett Elder
Oliver Largue
7-5, 7-6 Won
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #123214807/21/2012 Chloe Owen
7-2, 7-2 Won