Individual Player Record Report
Christian Thomas
City, State
Lantana, FL
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Tennis Club of Palm Beach   [Section] Florida > [District] Region 6 > [Program] USTA JTT Palm Beach County Fall 2012
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #132026311/02/2012 TYLER NGUYEN
6-2 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #132026411/09/2012 Logan Lee Abhilash Datti
Katherine Pescinski
6-1 Won
Match #132025810/19/2012 Praveen Kumar Ashokkumar Kyle Maret
Kyle Kraeher
6-1 Won
Match #132025510/05/2012 Varun Iyer Jonas Levine
Jenna Tucker
3-2 Lost
Match #132025710/12/2012 Praveen Kumar Ashokkumar Trey Hardersen
Vinay Pisupati
5-5 Tied
Match #132026311/02/2012 Samantha Thompson Max Rubenstein
4-3 Lost

Championship Results
Section Championship

Flight - 12 and Under - Intermediate / Florida - Winter Section Championship 2012
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #134785601/19/2013 Trey Hardersen Allen Tabak
Jonathan Irwanto
6-5, 6-3 Won
Match #134786201/20/2013 Abhilash Datti Bryan Hodo Johnson
Alejandro Stoler
6-3, 6-5 Won
Match #134786601/20/2013 Abhilash Datti Joshua Alvarez
Fabio Corghi
6-3, 6-3 Won
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #134785801/19/2013 Isaac Lumbi
6-3, 3-6, 1-0 Lost
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #134786901/21/2013 Destini Wilson GENIE HERNANDEZ
Renzo Fassioli
6-5, 6-3 Lost
Match #134785801/19/2013 Harshini Oruganti Jahaiya Stricklen
6-3, 5-6, 1-0 Won