Individual Player Record Report
Francesca Tamirisa
City, State
Mc Lean, VA
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

Treeing in the Woods   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Maryland Region > [Program] MCTA JTT Fall 2011/12
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #108757910/22/2011 Eli Herrnstadt
6-2 , 6-1 Lost
Match #108760511/20/2011 Blayne Schenk
6-1 , 6-0 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #108761212/03/2011 Maite Lopez McLean Morgan
Ethan Sapir
7-5 , 3-2 Lost
Match #108763110/29/2011 Jake Gordon Audrey Elkinson
Thomas Savransky
6-3 , 6-4 Won
Match #108756910/08/2011 Maite Lopez Sven Narula
Pranav Tandon
7-6 , 4-2 Won
Match #108757410/15/2011 David Liden Katia Nguyen
Mark van Zalk
6-3 , 6-4 Lost

Treeing in the Woods   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Maryland Region > [Program] MCTA JTT Winter 2012
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #112653901/22/2012 Alex Kirsch
6-4 , 5-6 Lost
Match #112657903/11/2012 Francesca Grandonico
6-3 , 5-4 Lost
Match #112656902/26/2012 Natalie Reneberg
6-4 , 7-6 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #112657403/03/2012 Maite Lopez Default
6-0 , 6-0 Won
Match #112655902/12/2012 Maite Lopez Sydney Veator
Joshua Friedman
6-3 , 6-2 Won
Match #112656402/18/2012 Maite Lopez Thomas Naatz
Kathleen Collins
7-6 , 3-2 Won

Treeing in the Woods   [Section] Mid-Atlantic > [District] Maryland Region > [Program] MCTA JTT Spring 2012
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #117631506/02/2012 Haruki Fujita Hannes Kogelnik
Kyra Foose
7-6 , 6-1 Lost
Match #117627604/21/2012 Jake Gordon Kathryn Maloney
James Molloy
6-3 , 6-4 Won
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #117630904/22/2012 Sydney Veator
6-1 , 7-6 Won
Match #117628505/05/2012 Vanessa Ntungwanayo
6-7 , 5-1 Won
Match #117630306/09/2012 Laura Wagner
6-0 , 6-0 Won

Championship Results
Section Championship

14 and Under - Intermediate FLIGHT B / Mid-Atlantic - Section Championship 2012
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #123662608/10/2012 Rachel Bernstein Erin Farleigh
Taylor Brazukas
4-3, 4-2 Won
Match #123662208/11/2012 Rachel Bernstein Preeti Bairi
Diana Elizabeth Budman
4-1, 4-1 Won

14 and Under - Intermediate PLAYOFF AB / Mid-Atlantic - Section Championship 2012
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #123942208/12/2012 Rachel Bernstein Amanda Zhu
Amanda Grebosky
4-1, 1-4, 1-0 Won
District Championship

14U Int B / Mid-Atlantic - Maryland - District Championship 2012
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #123084307/21/2012 Claire Evans Andrea Moore
Shannon Dunwell
4-1, 2-4, 1-0 Lost
Match #123084707/21/2012 Claire Evans Chloe Lenker
Sophie Geernaert
4-0, 4-0 Won
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #123084307/21/2012 Jake Gordon Yasmin Eubanks
Andre Cook
4-3, 4-3 Lost