Individual Player Record Report
Nikhil Piska
City, State
Frankfort, IL
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

HF Flames   [Section] Midwest > [District] Chicago > [Program] USTA Jr. Team Tennis - Winter
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #68699501/18/2009 Lorynn Rogers Nathan Lee
Elyse Mansfield
4-1 Lost
Match #69471901/25/2009 Jillian Lessner Brittany Henry
William Knox
3-3 Tied
Match #69078302/01/2009 Kellie Repasi Katrina Lozanoski
Matthew Marcus
3-1 Won
Match #69078502/08/2009 Kellie Repasi Nathan Lee
Brittany Henry
4-1 Lost
Match #69078402/15/2009 Lorynn Rogers Katrina Lozanoski
William Knox
5-3 Lost
Match #71789103/15/2009 Lorynn Rogers Brittany Henry
Nathan Lee
4-2 Lost
Match #72010504/05/2009 Jillian Lessner Nathan Lee
Katrina Lozanoski
2-2 Tied
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #72010504/05/2009 William Knox
6-0 Lost
Match #69471901/25/2009 William Knox
5-2 Lost
Match #69078502/08/2009 Nathan Benoit
8-1 Lost
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #69078502/08/2009 Joshua Bozeman Nathan Benoit
Nathan Lee
6-0 Lost
Match #69471901/25/2009 Joshua Bozeman Matthew Marcus
Nathan Lee
6-1 Lost
Match #68699501/18/2009 Joshua Bozeman William Knox
Nathan Benoit
4-3 Lost
Match #69078402/15/2009 Joshua Bozeman Nathan Lee
William Knox
2-1 Won

Championship Results
Section Championship

Flight - 10 and Under - Intermediate / Midwest - All-Star Championships 2009
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #73233505/02/2009 Amber Haywood Rachel Elisabeth Zurcher
Thomas Weir
6-2 Lost
Match #73233605/02/2009 Brittany Henry Rachel Elisabeth Zurcher
Aarnav Lal
6-2 Lost
District Championship

Flight - 12 and Under - Intermediate / Midwest - Chicago - District Championship 2009
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #77770507/18/2009 Joshua Bozeman Default
6-0 Won
Match #77771607/18/2009 Joshua Bozeman Camrin Garrett
Ajay Chopra
6-1 Lost
Match #77771707/18/2009 Joshua Bozeman Reese Robinson
Khari Sanchez
6-2 Lost
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #77770507/18/2009 Nathan Benoit
6-3 Lost
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #77771607/18/2009 Jade Bozeman Camrin Garrett
Haleigh Porter
6-1 Lost
Match #77770507/18/2009 Arianna Parker Katrina Lozanoski
Nathan Benoit
6-2 Lost
Match #77771707/18/2009 Jade Bozeman Leslie Ann Muse
Khari Sanchez
6-2 Lost