Individual Player Record Report
Cody James Jensen
City, State
Ventura, CA
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

The Oahu Club Tennis Academy   [Section] Hawaii Pacific > [District] Oahu > [Program] HPS/JTT Spring (All other divisions)
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #70284702/28/2009 Marc Hayashi
8-5 Lost
Match #70288404/18/2009 Celia Chang
8-0 Won
Match #70287504/25/2009 Devon Saturnia
8-6 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #70286305/02/2009 Ben Browning Jake Chouljian
Drew Watumull
8-3 Won
Match #70285703/21/2009 Meghana Vellanki Kyle Nugent
Yuna Morris
8-4 Lost
Match #70288803/28/2009 Ben Browning Raymond Liang
Braxton Chong
8-5 Won
Match #70288004/11/2009 Ashley Kekona Tyler Nishikawa
Kristin Kop
8-3 Won
Match #70288404/18/2009 Ben Browning Default
8-0 Won
Match #70284702/28/2009 Meghana Vellanki Kau'I Hoopii
Kaitlyn Frederick
8-1 Won

The Oahu Club Tennis Academy   [Section] Hawaii Pacific > [District] Oahu > [Program] HPS/JTT Winter Season
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #81606710/03/2009 Dayton Oki Clay Asato
Edwin Carlos Jr.
8-5 Won
Match #81605910/10/2009 Dayton Oki KimoZachary Tago
Jared Maron
8-5 Lost
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #80653811/14/2009 Sandra Zeng
8-6 Won
Match #80652011/07/2009 Noah Garcia
8-4 Won
Match #80654909/19/2009 Matthew Kop
8-2 Won
Match #80652609/26/2009 Kailuhia Lam
8-3 Lost
Match #80654410/10/2009 Evan Liu
8-0 Won
Match #80655310/17/2009 Sarah Chee
8-0 Won
Match #80651610/31/2009 Daniel Huang
8-2 Won
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #80652011/07/2009 Zachary Heth Jordan Williams
Fallon Villareal
8-1 Won
Match #80655310/17/2009 Zachary Heth Sarah Chee
Drew Uramoto
8-0 Won
Match #80654410/10/2009 Elisabeth Boucher Kimberly Uehisa
Evan Liu
8-0 Won
Match #80652609/26/2009 Ethan Wacker Maile Yoon
Celia Chang
8-3 Won
Match #80654909/19/2009 Ethan Wacker Matthew Kop
Yang Zhao
8-2 Won
Match #80653811/14/2009 Ethan Wacker Raymond Liang
Zachary Tagawa
8-5 Lost

Championship Results
Program Championship

2.5(12) / Winter Sectional Championships
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #84253912/12/2009 Ethan Wacker KierstenRose Reyes
Taylor Ho
8-6 Won
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #84253912/12/2009 Alysse Nakasato
8-7 Won
Match #84253112/12/2009 Noah Schmidt
8-0 Lost
Match #84253512/13/2009 Gabriela Siaosi
8-6 Won