Individual Player Record Report
Ben David Browning
City, State
Honolulu, HI
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

The Oahu Club Tennis Academy   [Section] Hawaii Pacific > [District] Oahu > [Program] HPS/JTT Spring (All other divisions)
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #70284702/28/2009 Tyler Ikehara
8-2 Won
Match #70285703/21/2009 David Efhan
8-3 Won
Match #70288803/28/2009 Sara Creadick
8-1 Won
Match #70286904/04/2009 Katelyn Kam
8-4 Won
Match #70288004/11/2009 Andrew Nakatsuka
8-4 Won
Match #70288404/18/2009 Robert Lau
8-2 Won
Match #70286305/02/2009 Jameson Mckibbin
8-6 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #70286305/02/2009 Cody James Jensen Jake Chouljian
Drew Watumull
8-3 Won
Match #70288404/18/2009 Cody James Jensen Default
8-0 Won
Match #70288004/11/2009 Amrit Krishna Matthew Kop
Keapomauokamoanamalie Mckenney
8-1 Won
Match #70286904/04/2009 Amrit Krishna Sean Hasegawa
Sydney Suzuki
8-5 Won
Match #70288803/28/2009 Cody James Jensen Raymond Liang
Braxton Chong
8-5 Won
Match #70285703/21/2009 Amrit Krishna Joshua Sakai
Nicolas Chaudron
8-5 Won

The Oahu Club Tennis Academy   [Section] Hawaii Pacific > [District] Oahu > [Program] HPS/JTT Winter Season
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #80612009/26/2009 Kami Katsube
8-7 Won
Match #80611210/03/2009 Channey Wada
8-0 Won
Match #80610210/17/2009 Aleena Alop-Mabuti
8-5 Won
Match #80612510/24/2009 Gavin Low
8-4 Lost
Match #80611509/19/2009 Nick Grocki
8-5 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #80612009/26/2009 Michael Deci Default
8-0 Won
Match #80610610/31/2009 Ashley Kekona Alexandria Bellas
Cayleigh Soderholm
8-6 Won
Match #80610911/07/2009 Michael Deci Patrick Bowling
Kelly Segal
8-3 Won

Championship Results
Program Championship

2.5(14) / Winter Sectional Championships
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #84257012/12/2009 Jason Kwock Jessica Ung
Julian Coffee
8-4 Won
Match #84256712/13/2009 Jason Kwock Amelia McKenzie
Devon Saturnia
8-0 Won
Match #84256912/12/2009 Jason Kwock Travis Tanaka
Henry Harrison
8-6 Won
SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #84256912/12/2009 Kiana York
8-3 Lost