Individual Player Record Report
Kristine Garcia
City, State
Miami, FL
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

BRYAN PARK PANTHERS   [Section] Florida > [District] Region 8 > [Program] BRYAN PARK CITY OF MIAMI PARKS AND REC Spring 2009
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #72486002/20/2009 Jacobo Nieto Edward Smith
Angie Moliere
6-2 Won
Match #72486303/19/2009 Kevin Cubela Moise Bertrand
Kiwane Norman
6-4 Lost
Match #72486504/01/2009 Augusto Tomszay Rishona Lewis
Fermin Silva
6-2 Won
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #72486002/20/2009 Angie Moliere
6-2 Won
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #72486303/19/2009 Krystle Cintas Jalaya Williams
Kiwane Norman
6-1 Won
Match #72486504/01/2009 Krystle Cintas Shellee Baker
Robin Beautelus
6-4 Lost

bryan park 1   [Section] Florida > [District] Region 8 > [Program] BRYAN PARK
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #75219805/27/2009 Kevin Cubela Grover Ordonez
Lizbeth Vargas
8-4 Lost
Match #75292706/08/2009 Kevin Cubela Sergio Samayoa
Ana Portal
8-6 Won
Match #75300406/14/2009 Jacobo Nieto Raul Cruz
Justin Herrera
8-4 Won
Match #76747906/20/2009 Jacobo Nieto Raul Cruz
Ana Portal
8-6 Won
Match #76239706/13/2009 Isabella Blanes Cassie Pough
Lizbeth Vargas
8-4 Lost
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #75292706/08/2009 Ana Portal
8-5 Won
Match #75300506/22/2009 Cassie Pough
8-1 Won
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #75300406/14/2009 Krystle Cintas Raul Cruz
Ana Portal
8-5 Lost
Match #76747906/20/2009 Krystle Cintas Sergio Samayoa
Ana Portal
8-5 Lost
Match #75293206/13/2009 Krystle Cintas Caitlin Copa
Brooke Barnes
8-6 Won
Match #75219805/27/2009 Krystle Cintas Diana Perez
Vlada Rabin
8-6 Won
Match #76239706/13/2009 Krystle Cintas Diana Perez
Vlada Rabin
8-5 Lost

Dream Team   [Section] Florida > [District] Region 8 > [Program] Miami Jr. Team Tennis Noel Cubela GMTEF
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #83202510/09/2009 Kevin Cubela Jose Samayoa
Ana Portal
6-2 Won
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #83202510/09/2009 Krystle Cintas
6-3 Won
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #83202510/09/2009 Isabella Blanes Krystle Cintas
Ana Portal
6-4 Lost
DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #83202610/16/2009 Claudia Sequera Kyle Cubela
Alexander Duran
6-4 Lost

Championship Results
Section Championship

Flight 4 - 14 Intermediate / USTA JTT Spring Section Tournament
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #73079004/26/2009 Krystle Cintas Virginia Suszynski
Tonirae Tablante
6-0 Won
Match #73078004/25/2009 Isabella Blanes Kathleen G. Vahey
Jessica Lindquist
6-0 Won
Match #73078604/25/2009 Krystle Cintas Natalia Alvarez
Carolina Alvarez
6-0 Won
Match #73079304/26/2009 Krystle Cintas Sarah Gourlay
Anita Nacea
6-2 Won
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #73078604/25/2009 Sarah Neely
6-3 Won

Championship 14 & Under Advanced / USTA JTT Summer Section Championship
Female DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #78091108/02/2009 Krystle Cintas Meghan Cassidy Zimmer
Abigail Coates
8-4 Lost
Match #78089707/31/2009 Krystle Cintas Courtney Zeng
Shilin Xu
8-7 Lost
Match #78090208/01/2009 Isabella Blanes Phoebe Ferguson
Alexandra Hollen
8-2 Won
Match #78091708/01/2009 Krystle Cintas Sarah Dance
Kendall Romain
8-3 Won
Match #78091408/02/2009 Krystle Cintas Marnie Stokes
Jordan Rucks
8-3 Lost
Female SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #78091408/02/2009 Taylor Conti
8-7 Lost
Match #78090708/01/2009 Katie Fitt
8-0 Lost
Match #78091108/02/2009 Anna Rachman
8-0 Lost
Match #78089207/31/2009 Nia Rose
8-2 Lost
MixedMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #78089207/31/2009 Jacobo Nieto Brendan Abernethy
Cassandra Lemieux
8-7 Won
Match #78090208/01/2009 Jacobo Nieto Meredith Marshall
Gavin White
8-5 Lost
Match #78090708/01/2009 Kevin Cubela James Gray
Olivia Rolle
8-5 Lost