Individual Player Record Report
Kyler Korfel
City, State
Grovetown, GA
Report Date

Program Results for Championship Year

Program Results

CRRC - Miller   [Section] Pacific Northwest > [District] Northern Oregon > [Program] Portland Winter 2009 - USTA Jr. Team Tennis
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #69095302/15/2009 Ranish Patel
8-6 Won
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #69096103/07/2009 Tyler Yamaguchi vikram ramesh
Bradley Sumoge
8-0 Won
Match #69095803/08/2009 Tyler Yamaguchi Will Meier
alex keating-petersen
8-1 Won
Match #69094201/18/2009 Arthur To Zach Bryant
Shane Wilson
8-0 Won
Match #69094701/25/2009 Christopher del Bene Rahul Borkar
Anish Bilakanti
8-2 Won
Match #69095202/07/2009 Christopher del Bene Divesh Sachdev
Marc Leef
8-7 Won

Clackamas River Racquet Club - Miller/Vu   [Section] Pacific Northwest > [District] Northern Oregon > [Program] Summer 2009 Portland Jr. Team Tennis
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #74131506/17/2009 Kevin Phuong Alexander Kolinski
Adam Kowalski
8-6 Lost
Match #74129506/24/2009 Arthur To Spencer Lafarge
Daniel McCleskey
8-2 Won
Match #74130007/01/2009 Tyler Yamaguchi Kite Birzer
Matthew Lee
8-0 Won
Match #74130507/08/2009 Paul Gaudin Brad Smith
Adam Mitzel
8-6 Won
Match #74131207/22/2009 Christopher del Bene Tanner Blake
Lukas Kleinman
8-5 Won

Championship Results
Section Championship

Flight - 18 and Under - Intermediate / Pacific Northwest - Section Championship 2009
Male DoublesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #78430507/31/2009 Arthur Hoa To Jing Feng Wu
Shane Wilson
3-3 Won
Match #78433108/01/2009 Tyler Yamaguchi Joseph Puntenney
Cory Smith
5-1 Won
Match #78431907/31/2009 Arthur Hoa To Devin S Hammill
David Andrew Pauls
5-1 Won
Match #78432507/31/2009 Christopher del Bene William D. Moriarty
Talo Lava Silver
3-3 Lost
Male SinglesMatch DatePartnerOpponent Winning Score Result
Match #78432507/31/2009 Nathan Kahler
4-2 Won