Program Match Summary Report - Match #950747
Peachtree Ridge High School   vs   Berkeley Hills     back to search result
Date Scheduled 10/3/2010 1:30 PM
Date Played 10/3/2010
Match Win Criteria Individual Matches won
Facility Peachtree Ridge High School (High School)
1555 Old Peachtree Road Suwanee
Match Status Confirmed
Box Score Peachtree Ridge High School vs Berkeley Hills
Matches 5   0
Games 60   18
Sets 10   0
Indicates the winner
Scoring Format: 2 of 3 sets
Male Doubles
Peachtree Ridge High School (home)
Berkeley Hills (away)
Winning Score
& Result
Match #1
Austin Blyth Penman
Alex Yoo
John Chandler Blanco
Stephen Christopher Ward
6-2   6-2
Match #2
Brandon Britt
Chris Aaron Copeland
Dylan Bauer
Carter Ryan
6-0   6-2
Female Doubles


Match #1
Charlotte Greenwood
Olivia Silva
Sushmitha Radhakrishnan
Stephanie Chew
6-4   6-4
Match #2
Morgan Britt
Taylor Salek
skyler brody
Melissa Elizabeth Turvy
6-2   6-1


Match #1
John E. Haddad
Laura Greenwood
Camryn Brody
Erica Fontaine
6-1   6-0