Program Match Summary Report - Match #567829
Kilauea Junior Tennis   vs   Keehi Rackets Gold     back to search result
Date Scheduled 2/24/2008 9:00 AM
Date Played 4/27/2008
Match Win Criteria Games won
Facility Hawaii Pacific Section (Service Org)
1500 S. Beretania St.#300 Honolulu
Match Status Confirmed
Box Score Kilauea Junior Tennis vs Keehi Rackets Gold
Games 42   54
Sets 3   9
Matches 1   4
Indicates the winner
Scoring Format: Short Set 2 of 3 sets MatchTieBreaker 6 Games
Male Singles
Kilauea Junior Tennis (home)
Keehi Rackets Gold (away)
Winning Score
& Result
Match #1
Matthew Muranaka
Alecsander Olipares
6-3   6-5
Female Singles


Match #1
Kristen Todoki
Lauren Ikeda
6-5   6-5
Male Doubles


Match #1
Andrew Yu
Jayson Nakaoka
Eric Douangphoumy
Shoma Ochiai
4-6   6-2   1-0
Female Doubles


Match #1
Sara A. Madsen
Kristen Todoki
Christina Nguyen
Marissa Chau
6-5   6-1


Match #1
Chad Au
Fathima Lau
Christina Nguyen
Jordan T. Ho
6-1   3-6   1-0