Program Match Summary Report - Match #553958
Flowers Crossing @ the Mill - Ruby   vs   Glastonberry - Kaufman     back to search result
Date Scheduled 2/16/2008 3:00 PM
Date Played 2/16/2008
Match Win Criteria Individual Matches won
Facility Flowers Crossing At the Mill III
1254 Albemarle Way Lawrenceville
Match Status Played
Box Score Flowers Crossing @ the Mill - Ruby vs Glastonberry - Kaufman
Matches 4   1
Games 57   28
Sets 8   2
Indicates the winner
Scoring Format: 3rd Set Tie Break
Male Singles
Flowers Crossing @ the Mill - Ruby (home)
Glastonberry - Kaufman (away)
Winning Score
& Result
Match #1
Jordan Wright
Keaton Anderson
6-4   6-4
Female Singles


Match #1
Hailey Denson
Erin Peterson
6-0   6-0
Male Doubles


Match #1
Jonathan Lamparter
Brace Becknell
Keaton Anderson
Timo A. Holmquist
6-1   6-4
Female Doubles


Match #1
Lindsey D. Peyton
Stephanie Hedlund
Carolyn Marcinkowski
Kate Heller
6-2   7-5


Match #1
Nicole Hernandez
Devin Flynn
Marshall Anne Caswell
Sam Laravea
6-2   6-2