Match Summary Report - Match #553914
Crooked Creek - Russell   vs   Roswell Park - Johnson     back to search result
Date Scheduled 1/19/2008 3:00 PM
Date Played 1/25/2008
Match Win Criteria Individual Matches won
Facility Crooked Creek
14250 Creek Club Dr Alpharetta
Match Status Confirmed
Box Score Crooked Creek - Russell vs Roswell Park - Johnson
Matches 0   5
Games 13   49
Sets 0   9
Indicates the winner
Scoring Format: 3rd Set Tie Break
Male Singles
Crooked Creek - Russell (home)
Roswell Park - Johnson (away)
Winning Score
& Result
Match #1
Jeffrey N. Brown
Evan Tucker
6-0   2-0
Timed Match
Female Singles


Match #1
Paige Weinberg
Katie McEnery
6-0   2-0
Timed Match
Male Doubles


Match #1
John Ladaga
Dallas McDonald
Scott Forbes
Brandon Tucker
6-4   7-6
Female Doubles


Match #1
Hayley E. Burr
Francesca Ori
Sarah Gail Niebur
Ansley Astuto
6-0   6-1


Match #1
Christin Hoffman
Matthew Leblanc
Shaun Cohen
Katie McEnery
6-0   2-2
Timed Match