Program Match Summary Report - Match #2509464
Yellow Rock Hitters   vs   Yellow Flaming Masters     back to search result
Date Scheduled 11/8/2023 5:00 PM
Date Played 11/8/2023
Match Win Criteria Games won
Facility Rock Hill Tennis Center
897 Maplewood Ln Rock Hill
Match Status Confirmed
Box Score Yellow Rock Hitters vs Yellow Flaming Masters
Games 48   39
Sets 7   5
Matches 4   4
Indicates the winner
Scoring Format: Short Set (6 Games, 2 sets)
Yellow Rock Hitters (home)
Yellow Flaming Masters (away)
Winning Score
& Result
Match #1
Andy Goss
Zachary Hughes
6-3   5-1
Timed Match
Match #2
Gracyn Root
Reagan Adams
Timed Match
Match #3
Giau Pham
Kendall McCarty
6-4   4-1
Timed Match


Match #1
Andrew Berry
Sang Pham
Patrick Wright
Lucas Coelho
Timed Match
Match #2
Jack Childs
Benjamin Shinabargar
Emily Rimmer
Esme Bromham
Timed Match
Match #3
Irene Grubbs
Jainam Patel
Spencer Boyer
Max Mellon
6-1   1-0
Timed Match
Match #4
Alexa Brenner
Gracyn Root
Hannah Swainey
Spencer Boyer
Timed Match
Match #5
Ishaan Amjath
Sang Pham
Patrick Wright
Lucas Coelho
6-2   4-2
Timed Match