Program Match Summary Report - Match #1524795
Roswell Area Park - Hatton   vs   Harrison 8U     back to search result
Date Scheduled 5/24/2014 1:00 PM
Date Played 5/24/2014
Match Win Criteria Individual Matches won
Facility Roswell Park
10495 Woodstock Rd Roswell
Match Status Confirmed
Box Score Roswell Area Park - Hatton vs Harrison 8U
Matches 2   2
Games 39   37
Sets 5   4
Indicates the winner
Scoring Format: 8U (1 Game, 7 Points, 2 of 3 sets)
Roswell Area Park - Hatton (home)
Harrison 8U (away)
Winning Score
& Result
Match #1
Billy Clouse
Grant Hardwick
7-3   7-2
Match #2
Kyle Klotz
Cooper Hecklinski
7-4   7-1
Match #3
Aidan Newton
Christopher Soluri
7-0   5-7   1-0
Timed Match
Match #4
Chloe Clouse
Lauryn Swatski
7-4   7-0