Program Match Summary Report - Match #1514370
Smashing Monarchs 10U ADV   vs   VBTCC 10U ADV     back to search result
Date Scheduled 5/18/2014 4:30 PM
Date Played 5/18/2014
Match Win Criteria Games won
Facility Virginia Beach Tennis and Country Club
1950 Thomas Bishop Ln Virginia Beach
Match Status Played
Box Score Smashing Monarchs 10U ADV vs VBTCC 10U ADV
Games 29   28
Sets 7   4
Matches 3   2
Indicates the winner
Scoring Format: Generic Scoring(1,2 or 3 sets)
Male Singles
Smashing Monarchs 10U ADV (home)
VBTCC 10U ADV (away)
Winning Score
& Result
Match #1
Joseph Hobbs
Austin Mo
4-3   4-1
Female Singles


Match #1
Madelyn Martin
Sophie Jean Landis
4-2   4-0
Male Doubles


Match #1
Evan Brown
Thomas Anderson
gonzalo aneiros
Jack Shoemaker
4-0   4-1
Female Doubles


Match #1
Caroline Jordan
Liesl Boone
Lexi Hackbirth
Jescenia Brown
3-4   4-0   1-0


Match #1
Kaushal Bhasin
Sabine Krigsvold
Jaden Davidson
Joshua Johnson
4-3   4-3