Program Match Summary Report - Match #1498517
Lake Murray 18 Int/Sat   vs   Ohana 18s Int     back to search result
Date Scheduled 3/23/2014 5:00 PM
Date Played 3/23/2014
Match Win Criteria Games won
Facility Lake Murray Tennis Club (CTA)
5173 Mount Helix Dr La Mesa
Match Status Played
Box Score Lake Murray 18 Int/Sat vs Ohana 18s Int
Games 47   19
Sets 7   2
Matches 3   1
Indicates the winner
Scoring Format: Short Set 2 of 3 sets MatchTieBreaker 6 Games
Female Singles
Lake Murray 18 Int/Sat (home)
Ohana 18s Int (away)
Winning Score
& Result
Match #1
Mackenzie Beckham
Bryn Kelts Leonard
6-1   6-0
Match #2
Anastasia Khinich
Varsha Mendu
6-5   3-6   1-0
Female Doubles


Match #1
Madison Beckham
Kate Shaylan Kiley
Janessa Christine Roberts
Melissa Kasai
6-3   6-1
Match #2
Hailey Broderick
jessica nicole sweis
Megan De Young
Sophia Katherine Vivier
6-2   6-2